Superman: the movie teaser

"Griffith No More!" said:
Yeah, I hope this can live up to great movies like Batman Begins or Schindler's List.

Batman and Nazis. Guaranteed smash hit.

I was a bit bothered with how young Superman looks in this movie. I suppose thats coming from my expectations of what Superman looks like (Christopher Reeve) in my mind. However this is probably just a result of how I grew up knowing the character. The youth of the character seems to make sense in the story. He can't have been doing this for long (if the story truly does take place after Superman 2). A character in his (early) 20's makes sense to me.

HawaiianStallion said:
I got to say the CGI on this movie doesnt impress a lot of the time, and while I know that happens a lot, I just watched the PotC2 trailer right before the SR trailer, and its CG was pretty damn good.

Well I was impressed with the SR CG. Not totally sure what PotC2 is. I think the CG is easily on par with JP, LoTR, SW, HP, X-M, AI, and any other acronyms you could think of.
CnC said:
I was a bit bothered with how young Superman looks in this movie.

I'm more curious as to why young Clark Kent would wear glasses alone in a field. Is that so the tomatoes won't know he's superman or is he only then discovering his latent mutant spider powers? Maybe he'd always stayed indoors and out of Earth's yellow sun. :carcus:
"Griffith No More!" said:
I'm more curious as to why young Clark Kent would wear glasses alone in a field. Is that so the tomatoes won't know he's superman or is he only then discovering his latent mutant spider powers? Maybe he'd always stayed indoors and out of Earth's yellow sun. :carcus:

don't know. thats a good point. We'll have to see. Hopefully its not the first plot hole
I'm voting for Super Puberty, as Griff coined it, in regards to the leaping Young Supes.

I laughed at Luthor's OH face (WRONG). Btw, anyone else catch a glimpse of Luthor's BIG SCHEME? You can see a map of it in the background of the "BRING IT ON" scene. Good to know he has more up his sleeve than a cylinder of Kryptonite...
International trailer, and a sexy new poster harking back to the days when Superman wasn't so pastel.

Thanks for the trailer, GNM! Eyeballs of steel indeed! Each instance of new footage is getting me amped to see this on June 30th. :guts:
Yeah that new trailer was pretty cool, thanks Griff. My excitement level has increased drastically. I'll keep June 30th open on my Calendar
WTF HAX? If you can't shoot a man in the eye to hurt him, what the hell are you supposed to do? Shove kryptonite up his ass?

They need to quit overpowering superheroes. Kinda like in Spider man 2 how they decided spider man should be strong enough to jump in front of a moving train and brace himself against the oncoming track tiers. Spider man isn't Superman, and Superman doesn't wear bullet proof contacts.

Movie looks cool anyway though.
mike.william said:
WTF HAX? If you can't shoot a man in the eye to hurt him, what the hell are you supposed to do? Shove kryptonite up his ass?

They need to quit overpowering superheroes. Kinda like in Spider man 2 how they decided spider man should be strong enough to jump in front of a moving train and brace himself against the oncoming track tiers. Spider man isn't Superman, and Superman doesn't wear bullet proof contacts.

Movie looks cool anyway though.
Because like it we want it to be real and stuff. :troll:
mike.william said:
WTF HAX?  If you can't shoot a man in the eye to hurt him, what the hell are you supposed to do?  Shove kryptonite up his ass?

They need to quit overpowering superheroes.  Kinda like in Spider man 2 how they decided spider man should be strong enough to jump in front of a moving train and brace himself against the oncoming track tiers.  Spider man isn't Superman, and Superman doesn't wear bullet proof contacts.

Movie looks cool anyway though.
Y'know, I think superman has been that powerful for erm... decades? What decade was it that they decided it wasn't his suit that made him invulnerable but that it was him?

As for spiderman... Enhanced physicality... Its hard to gauge the feat vs his vague strength limits, but it took several blocks to stop that train and it nearly killed him.

SaiyajinNoOuji makes the point quicker though.
Majin Tenshi said:
Y'know, I think superman has been that powerful for erm... decades? What decade was it that they decided it wasn't his suit that made him invulnerable but that it was him?

Yeah, he used not to be able to fly in the 1930s or something. :schierke: Since then he's pretty much become invincible, nothing really new.
I didn't say he couldn't be super strong or nigh invincible, but what fun are characters that have no weaknesses? Seriously, if you can't even make him flinch by shooting him point blank in the eye, what is gonna hurt him aside from the kryptonite, which is a gay weakness anyway. At least make him get watery eyes or something, or need some Visene(sp?), shit.
mike.william said:
I didn't say he couldn't be super strong or nigh invincible, but what fun are characters that have no weaknesses? Seriously, if you can't even make him flinch by shooting him point blank in the eye, what is gonna hurt him aside from the kryptonite, which is a gay weakness anyway.

Yeah, it's true it's overdoing it, but the scene itself is funny and satisfying because he doesn't flinch getting a bullet in the eye. And I don't think they thought about anything else while doing it, just "hey wouldn't that be cool if..."

I guess that compensates for all the JLU episodes where anybody can send him flying with a simple punch.
Aazealh said:
I guess that compensates for all the JLU episodes where anybody can send him flying with a simple punch.

I liked their treatment of the character in that series. He was always willing to take the punch, and while it never really hurt him he would still show SOME reaction to it. I especially liked how he "cut loose" in the final ep.

but that aside...

jeez, people are reading a bit too much into this shot. I don't think they're basing the entire plot on this moment.
CnC said:
I liked their treatment of the character in that series. He was always willing to take the punch, and while it never really hurt him he would still show SOME reaction to it.

I don't know, honestly at times it bothered me. When it looks like just about any street punk can knock Superman down something is wrong. It's like he can't fight for shit but always gets back up so he wins by endurance. Basically while I like the idea of him "reacting" to hits and not just standing there being totally unaffected, I thought it went a bit overboard in the series at times (probably due to the creators' desire of having all the heroes being roughly equally strong).
Aazealh said:
I don't know, honestly at times it bothered me. When it looks like just about any street punk can knock Superman down something is wrong.

I must have missed a few episodes, I dont' remember a street punk knocking the big guy over. Perhaps a street punk with superpowers....

Aazealh said:
It's like he can't fight for shit but always gets back up so he wins by endurance. Basically while I like the idea of him "reacting" to hits and not just standing there being totally unaffected, I thought it went a bit overboard in the series at times (probably due to the creators' desire of having all the heroes being roughly equally strong).

And I like that about the character. I think he said that he feels like he lives in a world of "cardboard", always having to be extremely careful or people could be killed. So whenever he's given the option he will always err on the side of caution and take the hit rather than quickly react and end up killing someone. And I never really thought of superman as a "fighter", or at least in the areas of skill like batman (he does make up for it in spirit, tho). Superman can be an unstoppable force at will, but chooses not to be. I like that.

But again, perhaps I'm missing a scene you're referencing from the series...
CnC said:
I must have missed a few episodes, I dont' remember a street punk knocking the big guy over. Perhaps a street punk with superpowers....

I was exaggerating on purpose, but he does get knocked over by a lot of people in it, and it's not always justified. It's done that way because the story revolves around a group dynamic, but in terms of individual power it lessens him compared to what he does in his solo adventures. It's always either that or he's "busy" for 4/5th of the episode and just comes to save the others at the end anyway.

CnC said:
I think he said that he feels like he lives in a world of "cardboard", always having to be extremely careful or people could be killed. So whenever he's given the option he will always err on the side of caution and take the hit rather than quickly react and end up killing someone.

Well that's not what I felt was coming out of quite a bit of his battles in the series, where he fights without visibly holding back against various villains (minor or major) and doesn't look like he's obviously superior to them and restraining himself but rather like he's struggling (hint: a good occasion for a team member to help). Like I said they just scaled his power/skills down so he wouldn't outmatch everybody else but it doesn't always come off well. What you're describing here is just the general Superman policy (which I agree is cool), it doesn't directly relate to what I'm talking about.

CnC said:
And I never really thought of superman as a "fighter", or at least in the areas of skill like batman (he does make up for it in spirit, tho).

It doesn't just have to be either the kung-fu master level or the "can't block a hit" one though... Superman has super-reflexes and super-speed (haha), if he wants to take a hit from some no-name idiot he should be able to do so without getting rocked back on his feet.