Berserk Quiz: Leaderboard & Discussion

Griffith said:
Where's the super mega champion's edition that'll destroy us all? I mean, you should basically just fucking cheat, Aaz, "Can you identify these pixels from the series? No multiple choice, you must type the answer in the exact format of my choose, which you must decipher yourself like an old text-based adventure game. All answers must be in Japanese. You have 5 seconds." lol

Too much work! Plus only 12 people have ever beat this quiz so... That's kind of a small audience. :iva:

Griffith said:
And have Puella do the same, so maybe even YOU can't ace the quiz, Mastermind! :daiba:

Nuh huh, I'll always win! :troll:
Aazealh said:
Too much work! Plus only 12 people have ever beat this quiz so... That's kind of a small audience. :iva:

Yeah... I did notice there were only 11 other people winning on the leader board so it's not exactly like the quiz is obsolete. :ganishka:

Aazealh said:
Nuh huh, I'll always win! :troll:

I swear I used to have an image of that Mastermind cover with you and Puella photoshopped on it but I can't find it! :puck:
Griffith said:
I swear I used to have an image of that Mastermind cover with you and Puella photoshopped on it but I can't find it! :puck:

Don't worry, I still have it somewhere myself. :slan:
Griffith said:


Not as cool as having the cover of the game with Aazealh and Puella on it, but for some reason I happen to have that version of the game:

I never expected to see its cover anywhere outside my home. It always looked ancient and, to be honest, cheap to me. Small world I suppose.