Berserk Quiz: Leaderboard & Discussion

Great job, Aaz! And this is the easy one???!!! It's pretty funny and addictive to take the quiz. Congratulations to the top three!!!
brinco said:
Great job, Aaz! And this is the easy one???!!! It's pretty funny and addictive to take the quiz. Congratulations to the top three!!!

Thanks man, I'm glad you like it (and yeah, it really is the easy one). But don't resign yourself, you could be in the top three yourself! :guts:
Congrats, Griff! I'm No. 5. Not bad for my first try. I'm about to take it again, though! :zodd:

EDIT: Damnit, just netted 22 points, not enough! :puck:
Wally's coming on strong now, already passed, and in record time! Congrats man.
Prof Aaz is such a hardass! His test was impossible, and he didn't even tell us it was coming so we couldn't study! I should have stayed awake during his lecture-posts... :azan:
pippin22 said:
Prof Aaz is such a hardass! His test was impossible, and he didn't even tell us it was coming so we could study! I should have stayed awake during his lecture-posts... :azan:
Yeah, but he's also kind of a radical, since he allows for infinite re-dos. :badbone:
I really need to read the whole manga again and refresh my memory... taking extra care to memorize the spellings of everyone and everything (or maybe I'm just getting really unlucky with my generated questions). I also need to nail down what happens in which volume instead of my current, vague, "oh... between these three volumes" sort of deal I have going right now. As the end of the quiz keeps telling me, I'm a failure and not a true fan until I get these things straight!

Fun quiz though, I find it very addicting.
Congratulations to Griff for being the first to reach a perfect score! And he deserves it, believe me. Now I want the rest of you guys to make me proud as well, this leaderboard has way too much red on it! :SK:

Also, I've decided that the contest to win a copy of YA would end on June 1st at midnight GMT. The person holding the highest score at that time, not counting those of Walter and Griffith (グリフィス), will be contacted by PM.
Aazealh said:
Congratulations to Griff for being the first to reach a perfect score! And he deserves it, believe me.


Thank you, thank you.​
Congrats Griff. I'm still climbing the ladder... There seem to always be 2-3 in any given test that I just can't get correct...
Walter said:
Congrats Griff. I'm still climbing the ladder... There seem to always be 2-3 in any given test that I just can't get correct...

Thanks, and tell me about, after a while I was convinced that there was some kind of intelligent design sabotaging me with questions I'd yet to answer correctly! In a sense that's true, since I believe Aaz set it up so one would always get a certain amount of easy/medium/hard questions, but generated randomly. The worst part is that I could have had a 30 as early as midday yesterday, but missed a basic question I had previously been answering correctly but over-thought later. Then had another situation like that in the afternoon as well, where I knowingly answered one wrong to test the system, then finished with an unexpected 29! Ugh.
グリフィス said:
after a while I was convinced that there was some kind of intelligent design sabotaging me with questions I'd yet to answer correctly!

"グリフィス submitted a new score of 28!"


"グリフィス submitted a new score of 29!"

This is so much fun. I had no idea that it would be so addictive. Great work Aaz. This is seriously like one of the coolest features on and why this place remains the number Berserk fan site on the web.

And the crazy part is I AM learning while having fun! Mission Accomplished! Bravo!

Now if I can only get my score up. :mozgus:
Ragnarok said:
It took a really long time, but I finally got 30. I should probably get some sleep soon, it's nearly 5am.
Wow, congrats. And judging by your speed streak recently, I have a feeling you'll have taken down Griff's #1 slot.
Walter said:
Wow, congrats. And judging by your speed streak recently, I have a feeling you'll have taken down Griff's #1 slot.

Thanks. I'm pretty sure I finished in under 2 minutes, but I didn't check what the time was.
Personally, I think anyone who gets a perfect score in under 2 minutes should get tied for the #1 spot. That's a huge accomplishment. But if it's literally a race, you're going to get people jamming on keys to shave off seconds, taking the test over and over and over, until the only limitation is luck of questions received and the speed of the flash application.

Am I alone here?