Elden Ring (New From Soft Game)

Another shitty from soft pc port. Tons of stuttering and frame drops. Unplayable.

Anecdotally, I have some frame hitches every 15 minutes or so, and yeah, they've gotten me killed 1-2 times, but for the most part it's been quite smooth for me. The weirdest graphics anomaly I've seen are the trees/shading from a distance being very shimmery, particularly in windy areas.

I have been keeping an eye on this thread in case a universal fix is made. There are a few small things you can do, like turn off motion blur, lower shadows, etc. But it seems like due to the more restrictive DRM From Soft enabled this time, any fan-made patches will be risky to run, and at the very least it will require offline play. Instead, the alternative is to wait for official patches to remedy the issues.

After getting my ass whipped by Margit for the better part of an hour, I have to say...pretty tough for a first boss.
I also threw myself against that guy for an hour before realizing: Maaaaaybe I should go somewhere else, first. Or at least, grind up my sword so I'm not just chipping away a little bit at a time.

Edit: Rematched Margit after fretting over it all day (have I lost my touch?!). Got him in one! Still got it! That's cause for celebration!


And just because I haven't shared yet, here's how my guy's doing so far. Started as Prisoner, and have been enjoying the dex+int build so far.

I've invested in the Estoc, the Prisoner's starting weapon. It's a stabby/thrusting weapon, which really isn't my style at all, but the scaling is more dex-focused than other alternatives. So... it is what it is. My favorite weapon/moveset is still the Longsword—my most used weapon from Dark Souls 1, and it's even got the exact same moves. But it scales D with Dex so... not great!
That being said, confessor is the best class. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Explain since I haven't played one; it basically the new Royalty, OP starting magic that breaks the early game?

Also to add, I love how the game pretty much forces you to explore if you can’t beat a boss yet. It’s forcing you to get your money’s worth instead of speeding through it, and you can just brute force your way through shit if you’re good enough anyway. It’s genius design imo.

I'm having a much easier time BSing my way through super high level areas than I am against the bosses...

I have to say...pretty tough for a first boss.

I've toppled all the in-world mini-bosses thus far, but the actual bosses are pretty insane for the first ones (maybe they're all more balanced, higher floor, but the ceiling won't get comparatively too high). They all have staggered attacks with herky jerky timing and echoing blows from multiple weapons so you have to multi-dodge a lot for some real asymmetrical combat right from the jump! It's like if the starting bosses were Pontiff Sulyvahn and Gael from DS3. I hope this game isn't essentially picking up where they left off or it won't matter how much more generous they are with healing, no casual gamers are going to be able to stand this. :ganishka:

The weirdest graphics anomaly I've seen are the trees/shading from a distance being very shimmery, particularly in windy areas.

On PS5 I've only had some draw distance stuff where sometimes you catch everything populating when you turn around or something. Other than that, the biggest technical issue I'm having is you can't put the PS5 in sleep mode without it disconnecting and booting you to the menu, making you log in to online again. So, if you're counting on From Soft to update their programming...

Instead, the alternative is to wait for official patches to remedy the issues.


And just because I haven't shared yet, here's how my guy's doing so far. Started as Prisoner, and have been enjoying the dex+int build so far.

I'm currently going with the lightest of armors for quick rolling and I'll build back up from there with more Endurance, with everything else in Vigor. The weapon upgrades will be my damage increasers, including when they up the scaling. Speaking of running light...

My favorite weapon/moveset is still the Longsword—my most used weapon from Dark Souls 1, and it's even got the exact same moves.

That's what I'm using, the whatever-knight straight sword with some length, extra critical damage, and that sweet moveset that's been even more OP since Bloodborne/DS3. Seems to work as well here, spamming the 1-handed R1 still staggers most enemies while you chop up their health bar, and between the two stances and weapon arts you pretty much have what you need for every occasion. It's even pretty good on the horse.
Explain since I haven't played one; it basically the new Royalty, OP starting magic that breaks the early game?
it’s mostly a personal preference thing because I like playing paladin-like characters, but the class is so well balanced. I’ve been mostly upgrading my strength and endurance stats, but the dexterity and faith you start out with are good enough that I haven’t had too many issues handling different weapons types and can dish out decent damage using spells despite my minimal upgrades to both faith and dex.
I'm something like 9 hours in, roamed aimlessly a fair bit at first (i.e. looking under every nook and cranny for useless junk) but ended up going back to Stormveil Castle after getting to a poison marsh with giant enemy crabs and not feeling like it. Saw that bear you mentioned Griff, it sprouted out of the ground by surprise and I had to run away pretty far on horseback before he stopped chasing my ass. I felled that Margrit guy on my third try myself, not so much through any great prowess, I just let the wizard NPC and my trusty jellyfish distract him while I hit him in the back, and after they died I mostly attacked from a distance using fireballs and fire pots.

For some inexplicable reason I decided to vaguely base my character on Azan this time around (something I've never done in any of these games). So I made him thick, gave him a mustache and a round face (I resent the fact you can't have male pattern baldness as a hairstyle), and... that's about it. Started as a Vagabond and since I haven't found a quarterstaff I'm still using some greatsword I got from some camp, which to be fair is fine by me as that's what I've tended to do in Souls games in the past. I've mostly leveled Strength, Endurance and Vigor so far, I have just enough faith that I can use a few spells but my mana pool is pathetic. Works well enough. :shrug:I've kinda been regretting not starting as a Samurai though.

I'm in the midst of the castle right now, doing platforming on rooftops, just the kind of shit I had missed about those games (not). This reminds me that I found a ton of items I haven't even looked at, I probably should see if I can upgrade my equipment or something. By the way, on the technical side, I had a few briefs stutters when I first emerged into the world and it'll sometimes drop some frames but otherwise it's been alright and even pretty good. I was actually worried because my CPU is severely outdated and way below the minimum spec, but (as tends to be the case) it ended up not mattering. I left the graphics settings on the default "high quality". Doesn't seem to be pushing my graphics card (2080 Ti) too hard either as the fans aren't ramping up at all.
Stormveil Castle so far is like the best of Bloodborne’s vertical design and Anor Londo mixed into one, with Sekiro stealth options. All I need now is a grappling arm! It’s GLORIOUS.

Im playin Astrologer since I normally skip caster classes in these games. I beat Margit without consumables or the summon helper because I don’t want that shit. :badbone:

I hope I get some new spells soon though. In certain situations I completely wreck the place but otherwise feel a bit fragile.
I'm enjoying everyone's stories through this weird, big game. So for any bystanders perusing this thread, please drop in to share your path, character build, and your experience so far.

Lv 21 here, still putting points into Dex, Vit, End, and Str when I have to for equip. Without fresh spells, not a lot of appetite to invest in Int, even though that’s a viable back up plan for my character right now.

I really wasn't in the mood for a big dungeon tonight, so after crawling through Storm Veil a bit, I got the itch to explore south, a direction I've completely ignored. So I combed the beaches, then came to a strange portal. Beat a very fast knight, and got his sword, a weapon that I absolutely can't use yet. Then found a camp of the horse warriors and a bunch of aristocrats digging into the ground (again? what are they looking for, exactly). And ended by meeting an extremely aggressive bear. What the fuck is this bear's problem?!

I'm still filling out Limgrave, and I'm assuming there are at least 3 more quadrants of a map to explore, which is completely insane to me.

The weapon upgrades will be my damage increasers
This is such a bizarre strategy to me! How does that work with damage scaling later in the game? A weapon upgrade provides a set amount of damage per boost, right? But a stat increase goes up in multiples, as long as you’re investing properly. What am I missing…?
For some inexplicable reason I decided to vaguely base my character on Azan this time around (something I've never done in any of these games).

This is how I initially figured out Dark Souls; I modeled my character on Link and his abilities to play it like Zelda and suddenly it all fell into place!:shrug:

This is such a bizarre strategy to me! How does that work with damage scaling later in the game? A weapon upgrade provides a set amount of damage per boost, right? But a stat increase goes up in multiples, as long as you’re investing properly. What am I missing…?

It's a strategy borrowed from SL1/BL4 runs where weapon upgrades and buffs are your only damage increasers, which, since I am leveling in this case, allows me to maximize life (1000), endurance (115) and armor (almost 20% damage negation across the board with light rolling), while hopefully still having enough damage that it's not a hindrance. It's also a strategy from the DS3 raw infusion that gives you huge base damage but no scaling. My Lordsworn Sacred Straight Sword+7 does 254 base damage with E, E, D in Str, Dex, and Faith respectively (so I doubled down on no scaling =), and 337 with the Sacred Blade buff active, so it's working so far.

I also like focusing my levels into having or maintaining actual moveset enhancements, like fast rolling or continuous consecutive attacks, over stats because that's going to be a consistent benefit to my playstyle from start to finish, and if the stats get better, it'll just get that much easier but I'll still be playing the same. Anyway, I'm not going to NEVER put points into Strength or Dex to up my damage, it's just that will come in the later game when it's necessary and I don't have anywhere better to invest them.
I let my wife make my current character, an Astrologer named Jupiter (lvl 19). For the first 2 hours, in a total amateur move, I didn't realize I had a sword to switch to when I ran out of magic, so I spent a significant amount of time trying to make my staff work in combat.

Re: first area of the game:
Has anyone beaten the first boss that you're supposed to die to?
I'm something like 9 hours in, roamed aimlessly a fair bit at first (i.e. looking under every nook and cranny for useless junk) but ended up going back to Stormveil Castle after getting to a poison marsh with giant enemy crabs and not feeling like it.
I like that weird little area. There's a mob of... imps(?) fighting some knights nearby and up the hill are those bead enemies. I also like the crabs around there.
I felled that Margrit guy on my third try myself, not so much through any great prowess, I just let the wizard NPC and my trusty jellyfish distract him while I hit him in the back, and after they died I mostly attacked from a distance using fireballs and fire pots.
I'm tried Margrit 4 or 5 times last night. I've come close but no luck so far. I just got my summonable companions so I'll give them a try with this boss.
For some inexplicable reason I decided to vaguely base my character on Azan this time
Obviously because he's the sexist character in Berserk.

around (something I've never done in any of these games). So I made him thick, gave him a mustache and a round face (I resent the fact you can't have male pattern baldness as a hairstyle), and... that's about it.
They have one hair style that is like receeding, but no trie MPB. I also dislike that curly hair is almost completely absent from these games. The best they give you is wavy, which doesn't count.

I've kinda been regretting not starting as a Samurai though.
I have two characters, one an Astrologand and the other a Samurai. Samurai is great to play as.

I really wasn't in the mood for a big dungeon tonight, so after crawling through Storm Veil a bit, I got the itch to explore south, a direction I've completely ignored.
I just started down that direction this morning. I stopped shortly after being shot with an exploding bolt from a seige weapon.
This is how I initially figured out Dark Souls; I modeled my character on Link and his abilities to play it like Zelda and suddenly it all fell into place!
It never occurred to me to do this. Did you play Link in DS2 and 3?
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Not me, but I managed to chip at his HP somewhat. Knowing those devs, it's guaranteed you can beat him if you're good enough.
I've seen it done on YouTube by Ongbal, the guy that mastered Sekiro and seemingly every From Software game.

I should have been more specific that I meant, has anyone in this forum done it.
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My goodness! You managed to find some decent time over the weekend, I see!

My wife's attorneys will be making that argument in divorce court, yes. =)

Now +8! The worst part was finding the level 1 smithing stones, I just had horrible RNG with enemies or was looking in all the wrong places; I got teleported early on to the eastern continent and spent a lot of time there. BTW, since you're a dex build, talk to Rogier in the Roundtable after you pass Godrick.
I have found the whip. So as tradition dictates, I will begin plotting my Belmont build and playthrough.

The worst part was finding the level 1 smithing stones, I just had horrible RNG with enemies or was looking in all the wrong places; I got teleported early on to the eastern continent and spent a lot of time there. BTW, since you're a dex build, talk to Rogier in the Roundtable after you pass Godrick.
Same. I found 3 smith stones early on, and now it's been 4 hours since I've seen a single one. It's the only reason I'm still using this stupid Estoc.
Have any of y’all reached Rennala yet? I found her to be a bit underwhelming and far easier than Godrick despite being the first boss with phases in the game. I died more to the annoying mobs in the academy than her.

Also something I’ve noticed is that rain seems to raise fire resistance, but lower lightning resistance. I’ve only played DS 1-3 and none of FromSoft’s other games, has any such environmental mechanic existed before in their games? I don’t remember any of that sort from any of the dark souls games.
Also something I’ve noticed is that rain seems to raise fire resistance, but lower lightning resistance. I’ve only played DS 1-3 and none of FromSoft’s other games, has any such environmental mechanic existed before in their games? I don’t remember any of that sort from any of the dark souls games.
Good attention to detail! I haven't noticed that myself. Does DS1-3 have nonscripted rain?
Dark Souks 2 did have a mechanic like that now that I’m looking into it. I don’t remember it though. It’s been a while since I’ve played any of the dark souls games, much less 2 (which was my least favorite of the trilogy).
Yeah, I recall soaking myself with water pots to run across lava in DS2. Cool that this kind of stuff is back!
I'm having a ball, killing all the dragons, mariners, and bosses I come across, filling out the corners of the map, rocking some sweet yet optimal fashion souls (my best armor for light rolling/damage negation happens to be my best looking), but stayed up WAY too late last night playing... :badbone:

Have any of y’all reached Rennala yet? I found her to be a bit underwhelming and far easier than Godrick despite being the first boss with phases in the game. I died more to the annoying mobs in the academy than her.

I haven't, but wonder if my theory is true that all the shard holders are of relatively equal strength save the last. If you'd fought Godrick now he'd probably be a much bigger pushover than her. I still haven't met a boss that compares to the first two, though I also haven't gone after the big boys yet; full exploration/character building mode right now.
Yeah I don’t think I will be able to back to RDR2 now. I took a few days off and went back into Stormveil toward the lower side and when I finished the full loop back to the start I was pretty floored at how big it is.
I found a portal that took me way up to the northwest area and suddenly my map got even bigger. I haven’t played all of the big open world games out there but surely this game is almost as big if not bigger than BOTW, right?
Anyway as always try tongue, but hole.
Thank God I have the Game Pass until February 2025, because this game is absorbing me.
The last time I enjoyed a Soul this much was the OG Demon's.
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Have any of y’all reached Rennala yet? I found her to be a bit underwhelming and far easier than Godrick despite being the first boss with phases in the game. I died more to the annoying mobs in the academy than her.

I didn't have any trouble with the mobs, but I agree she's kind of a soft gimmick. Though I'm OP at this point: vitality is at the soft cap, my sword went from +8 to +14 yesterday and does 410 damage with the innate holy buff skill, and I haven't even added a point in faith yet (which now scales higher than strength or dex combined, so once I hit the stamina hard cap it's all going there and I'm gonna have miracles too =). But she still got me a couple of times, first I went in with like 1 flask and didn't figure out the trick until after I'd slaughtered like dozens of her minions, but still did some confidence building damage in the 2nd phase. Then I had her and just got sloppy, she was down to the last hit, I had a quarter life, but instead of using a flask and resetting for the kill I went for the flashy finish using my holy sword blast with a wind up, she happened to bust out her crystal projectiles at the same time and they're faster, so a little bad RNG there. But yeah, just constantly roll at her and attack and she staggers easily. I mostly just ignored her summons, but they're weak too. Godrick and his boy were way harder, like I wasn't sure I was cut out for this anymore. =)

Yeah I don’t think I will be able to back to RDR2 now. I took a few days off and went back into Stormveil toward the lower side and when I finished the full loop back to the start I was pretty floored at how big it is.
I found a portal that took me way up to the northwest area and suddenly my map got even bigger. I haven’t played all of the big open world games out there but surely this game is almost as big if not bigger than BOTW, right?

I was impressed by the scale of the starting area and variety in the east, then you get north of Stormveil and it's like a fucking ocean of whimsy up there! I've been as far north as the capital (got some sweet Erdtree Knight Armor), and Stormveil is more like a fuckin' fort. I think the best metric for how it's exceeded my expectations is the map screen, which is gorgeous in a perfect, hand drawn From-Softy way; it starts as a small rectangle in the middle of a black screen, and my hope was by the end it would fill the whole screen, and now it's well surpassed the borders of fucking screen and I'm not even close to exploring most of it!

Anyway as always try tongue, but hole.

Don't give up, skeleton! Chest ahead! :SK:

My favorite from this game, in front the menacingly silent, leaning dude at Roundtable Hold, "edge, lord ahead." :guts:

Thank good I have the Game Pass until February 2025, because this game is absorbing me.
The last time I enjoyed a Soul this much was the OG Demon's.

It's Super Dark Souls World.
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Miyazaki gave an interview to The New Yorker recently about Elden Ring: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/p...ka-miyazaki-sees-death-as-a-feature-not-a-bug

“I do feel apologetic toward anyone who feels there’s just too much to overcome in my games,” Miyazaki told me. He held his head in his hands, then smiled. “I just want as many players as possible to experience the joy that comes from overcoming hardship.”

Miyazaki had played games in his youth, but the moment of discovery arrived around 2001, when, at the urging of friends, he tried Fumito Ueda’s Ico, an exquisitely minimalist fairy tale about a boy, a girl, and their escape from a castle. For Miyazaki, the game reproduced the childhood joy of piecing together a story from snippets of text and mysterious illustrations.
Wow! I had no idea... A man after my own heart.