Guts' Kill Roster: How many has he REALLY killed?

Borgoff said:
No reason to get defensive. If the apostles are so important then...why are we talking about the damn fish and logs?
I really wasn't being defensive. I guess I should have added an XD emoticon. As for why the fish and logs keep getting brought up, I guess they're more controversial than Apostles. I couldn't tell you why though.
Walter said:
I really wasn't being defensive.  I guess I should have added an XD emoticon. 

Yeh, I didn't mean for what I said to come accross as if I was superior or whatever. The opposite was intended in fact. To get some boundries goin on in here. I have no qualms with the present list though. I think it actually just made the coolest Berserk website to date. :guts: But if people want controversy why don't we place bets on who will be the final kill? :zodd:
Bets sound good, but how about the total number instead? We all know it'll be Griffith :guts:

:griff:! :-X!!
Well, I expect Guts to throw out some more genecidal tactics before the end. :guts: We all know the number will be huge...and caked with blood. Maybe include I'll include Idea in my guess on the final kill just for kicks. It would be cool to see Griffith become one with the Idea. :badbone: I seem to have a way with far-fetched specs today. :serpico:
Borgoff said:
Maybe include I'll include Idea in my guess on the final kill just for kicks. It would be cool to see Griffith become one with the Idea. :badbone: I seem to have a way with far-fetched specs today. :serpico:
Ooooook Ooooook, this is a nice thought, but not here please. Think of the fishies...
I hate to suggest this after so much work has already been done but I think that the Kill count should be ordered to start when Guts first kills someone as a child mercenary rather then when we first see him kill the Female Apostle. It's not canon but it would be a more accurate count in my opinion.
On a more constructive note that shouldn't make you want to kill me quite so badly; I think a simple solution for his kill-count during the eclipse is to only count apostles that were speared through their human faces as this appears to be what injures an apostle the most. I'm also thinking that his arm should be counted as well, just for the comedic value of including it.
I'm with Aazealh on the logs too, at least those are not as hard to count as some other things.
Excellent idea and a monumental task. Good job and good luck in the future.
Forest Wraith said:
I hate to suggest this after so much work has already been done but I think that the Kill count should be ordered to start when Guts first kills someone as a child mercenary rather then when we first see him kill the Female Apostle. It's not canon but it would be a more accurate count in my opinion.

While that in no way makes it more "a accurate count", it would be and interesting feature to see it in chronological order.
It does make for a more accurate progression of the kill-count; as starting it in canon from when we see him kill the Female Apostle tags on almost a hundred kills from that time before we flash back to Guts' formative years.
Forest Wraith said:
It does make for a more accurate progression of the kill-count;


Since Guts wasn't a real person leading a real life now being chronicled by the famous biographer Kentarou Miura, I'm going to have to sort of disagree with you there. The Female Apostle was and is the first kill depicted in the manga, making it Guts the fictional character's (as he is in realiy) first kill in the series (not counting the protoype, of course). Again, it would simply be chronological to Guts' life, which I agreed would be an interesting feature, however no more "accurate", objectively speaking. Actually, it's arguably much less accurate since the story itself isn't depicted chronologically, and not all of Guts life is depicted, anyway (for instance, if you were following along the in the books, it would just be out of order, not a more accurate progression or whatever bullshit you said).

Also, you simply misspoke in the first place referring to the accuracy of the count in talking about it being in chronological order, which has nothing to do with whether or not the count is accurate. Hope that's all cleared up now.

Forest Wraith said:
as starting it in canon from when we see him kill the Female Apostle tags on almost a hundred kills from that time before we flash back to Guts' formative years.

You're right, I give up, I'm going to cut up my volumes and paste them back together in chronological order to have a more "accurate" story. =)
"Griffith No More!" said:

Since Guts wasn't a real person leading a real life now being chronicled by the famous biographer Kentarou Miura, I'm going to have to sort of disagree with you there. The Female Apostle was and is the first kill depicted in the manga, making it Guts the fictional character's (as he is in realiy) first kill in the series (not counting the protoype, of course). Again, it would simply be chronological to Guts' life, which I agreed would be an interesting feature, however no more "accurate", objectively speaking. Actually, it's arguably much less accurate since the story itself isn't depicted chronologically, and not all of Guts life is depicted, anyway (for instance, if you were following along the in the books, it would just be out of order, not a more accurate progression or whatever bullshit you said).

My point is is that its more accurate from a chronological stand-point.

"Griffith No More!" said:
Also, you simply misspoke in the first place referring to the accuracy of the count in talking about it being in chronological order, which has nothing to do with whether or not the count is accurate. Hope that's all cleared up now.

That's what I was trying to clarify. I'm glad you noticed.
Forest Wraith said:
My point is is that its more accurate from a chronological stand-point.

No problem, all you had to do was say so.

Don't be afraid guys, just be direct, you don't have to dance around your REAL point with seemingly confused bunk. If you have a great point or observation to make, like that putting the roster in chronological order would be more accurate from a chronological standpoint :isidro:, go ahead and share your brilliant revelation.

While we're utilizing our Socratic reasoning, here's another epiphany for the ages; putting the roster in alphabetical order would be more accurate from an alphabetical standpoint! I think this would make for a more accurate count progression but with letters for more depth and literatureness. It's a true humanistic movement... speaking of which, I really have to go to the bathroom!

Forest Wraith said:
That's what I was trying to clarify. I'm glad you noticed.

I'm glad one of us did too. Happy to help.
Forest Wraith said:
I think that the Kill count should be ordered to start when Guts first kills someone as a child mercenary rather then when we first see him kill the Female Apostle. It's not canon but it would be a more accurate count in my opinion.

Your opinion is wrong. Let's end this digression here.

Also, for those that didn't notice there's now a new classification for kills: Legitimate, Indeterminate and Miscellaneous. That allows us to count everything we want in there without diminishing Guts' accomplishments by listing a fish, log or his own arm next to apostles. In other words it's perfect.
Aazealh said:
Also, for those that didn't notice there's now a new classification for kills: Legitimate, Indeterminate and Miscellaneous. That allows us to count everything we want in there without diminishing Guts' accomplishments by listing a fish, log or his own arm next to apostles. In other words it's perfect.

I agree, I find it an excellent addition.
It wouldn't be hard to include a chronology stat too. I'd like to include all possible ways of sorting the info, before I start loading each entry into the database. However, the chronology won't be that accurate, seeing as Guts "age" technically stops at volume 16, almost half of the manga would be at Age "22." Even though I personally think at least 2.5 years have passed since then...

Aazealh said:
Also, for those that didn't notice there's now a new classification for kills: Legitimate, Indeterminate and Miscellaneous. That allows us to count everything we want in there without diminishing Guts' accomplishments by listing a fish, log or his own arm next to apostles. In other words it's perfect.
Well, as you probably already know, this classification is simply the first step towards the final stage of the roster. The next step is this: (Please don't click submit... it won't work yet. This is just the template for the form.)
Walter said:
I'd like to include all possible ways of sorting the info, before I start loading each entry into the database. ..
How about adding the option to summarize the amount of kills by page, episode, volume or arc? So you would still have the total number of all kills on the left side, but also the number of kills in one specific episode or volume etc. in a respective column. The species column would just list all the species involved (And perhaps their quantity too). Would you consider that any good?
Aazealh said:
Also, for those that didn't notice there's now a new classification for kills: Legitimate, Indeterminate and Miscellaneous. That allows us to count everything we want in there without diminishing Guts' accomplishments by listing a fish, log or his own arm next to apostles. In other words it's perfect.

Great idea, problem solved. :serpico:
Just an update to let you guys know I haven't abandoned this project. Far from it, I've learned MySQL and now I'm learning PHP so I can make this data much more customizable. I don't like announcing dates, but I think I should be done with this within the next month. So, keep your eyes open.
Walter said:
Just an update to let you guys know I haven't abandoned this project. Far from it, I've learned MySQL and now I'm learning PHP so I can make this data much more customizable. I don't like announcing dates, but I think I should be done with this within the next month. So, keep your eyes open.

What a great concept to add to the encyclopedia, you guys must be incredibly patient to go through with this.

One thing I'm curious about, during the 100 man slaying theres about 20 to 30 people mentioned for it in the list.
It' obvious that they didn't show all of the killings in process, and to write them down would break the rules a bit, like making a presumption on how many people he has killed during the gaps of his life that have jumped which obviously isn't on.

But we still see the evidence of his killings on the ground when they approach him and are given an accurate approximation on how many he has killed from other soldiers. Was it too obscure to include as everything else listed is more accurately portrayed?
Re: Guts' Kill Roster: How many people has he REALLY killed?

"Griffith No More!" said:
This is a great project. I say after it's finished, you make all kinds of crazy lists like alleged kills, such as the 77 other Tudor mercs Guts was supposed to have killed in the 100 man fight.

100 man was just a estimate... I believe that night he killed more than that... 100++... Maybe 101-109?
Well, "version 1" is up. Minus a superficial error at the very end of the roster (a blank cell), it's complete. Technically, it's been done since the beginning of the month, but in building this in PHP, I got a few cool ideas. I've since been working on something more pleasing to the eye.

The pimped out version has been giving me troubles for weeks. You can get a glimpse of this format by clicking here (just fill in "Show me Everything" and sort "Traditonal" or it'll vomit table data all over the place). As you can see, the next version will have volume images and totals per volume. Sorting it this way is far more complicated though, so it'll take more time.

But for now, in "version 1", you have a fully functioning customizable roster.
Chung said:
Sweet, great job! :guts:
You might want to add a header for the acual listing, if it didn't occur to you already.
Not sure I understand what you mean...? :???: