Guts' Kill Roster: How many has he REALLY killed?

Walter said:
Hmmmmm... That's a good question. I'll have to consult my peers ( :griff: , :SK:). I have a strong feeling they'll approve of it even though my personal gut reaction to it is "no way."

Nah, I wouldn't count it as a kill. He definitely defeated him, even if he was really just holding the DS while Zodd attacked, but that doesn't really count as a "kill" to me.

Walter said:
it's really more like Guts chopped off Ganishka's spiritual arm, more than mortally wounded him.

Yeah, pretty much. And it's different from the ghosts in that Ganishka himself just got stung on the forehead.
Makes sense to me. I didn't really think it should be one, either, but since you fellows are compiling a list and not me, I thought it'd be appropriate to ask.
Walter said:
What the hell does this have to do with the roster?  And he didnt reach the 1000 mark until the Trolls in the Qliphoth, so claiming he can kill 1000 on any given tuesday is just ridiculous.

I'm not questioning your knowledge of Berserk. You and Aaz are like encyclopedias. But I think it is safe to say that since the eclipse, Miura did not include each and every night. Meaning, Guts most definately has many more kills than are on your roster. (granted, there's no way to include that in the roster, I don't suggest it). I think it's pretty safe to say that he has more kills than we have official record of.

It might just be the translation I have, but during the Qliphoth sequence, SK mentions Gut's DS having claimed Thousands of victims. Thinking Guts has ghosts, reanimated corpses, or possessed animals every night since the eclipse(i understand that flora cut this down quite a bit now for him, but he's still a busy lad), this, to me, doesn't seem entirely impossible.

Clearly, Guts is a more capable warrior now, than during the 100 man slayer scene. How many would you say is a reasonable figure that he'd be able to off in a night?

Again, there's no way to know how many Guts would have really killed if every night was accounted for.

I'm really asking your opinion, rather than telling you how it is. I bow to your superior knowledge of Berserk.
Lucky for you guys guts is not part of the battle in vritanis (meaning you wont have to count thousands of bodies since theres gonna be lot of people in the next episodes!) :guts:
jackson_hurley said:
Lucky for you guys guts is not part of the battle in vritanis (meaning you wont have to count thousands of bodies since theres gonna be lot of people in the next episodes!) :guts:
Yeah, I breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't end up killing anyone past the Daka in the 260's. I'm not sure I even remember how to access the PHP to edit it anymore :carcus: Time will tell!
This is one of the most tedious fan works I have ever heard of considering that its a BERSERK kill roster. Great Job! I have to ask what was the most difficult episode to count up. I can't imagine how you did the all the cocoons and psuedo-elves!

Well keep it up and we can really see how much of Guts killings we've seen.

I understand that this is a record of all kills shown in the manga. Can we all agree on an actual estimation of how many people/apostles/pseudo-apostles/ghosts/trolls/skeletons/animals Guts has killed so far?

What I really want to know is what percent of Guts kills are actually shown in the manga.
Okin said:
Can we all agree on an actual estimation of how many people/apostles/pseudo-apostles/ghosts/trolls/skeletons/animals Guts has killed so far?

There isn't any way to know, or even to make an approximation. Let's just say it's a lot.

Okin said:
What I really want to know is what percent of Guts kills are actually shown in the manga.

Not a lot.
Okin said:
This is one of the most tedious fan works I have ever heard of considering that its a BERSERK kill roster. Great Job! I have to ask what was the most difficult episode to count up. I can't imagine how you did the all the cocoons and psuedo-elves!
Thanks for the praise. This thing was certainly a headache... especially learning PHP to make it sortable and all. Griffith No More did all the counting of the cocoon section. I personally just wanted to skip that part ... too much for my little brain. But he soldiered on, and the roster is better because of it, I think.
interestingly, the manga did not show all 100 mercenaries that gatts killed during his return to the hawks with Caska after falling off the waterfall's edge.
Well about 25 kills after the guy from the Korbolwitz family tells Guts they still have 50 men left to kill him with it cuts to Casca telling Judo and the Hawks to hurry to get back to Guts to save him. When they get there he's already killed them all and is resting against the tree.
Jaze1618 said:
Well about 25 kills after the guy from the Korbolwitz family tells Guts they still have 50 men left to kill him with it cuts to Casca telling Judo and the Hawks to hurry to get back to Guts to save him. When they get there he's already killed them all and is resting against the tree.
They could have died of heart attacks :carcus:

Seriously though, for practical reasons, I could only count kills "on-screen." It would have gotten way too complicated and arbitrary otherwise to decide which ones counted.
I was rushed when I posted the above earlier but my point was that they still showed 75 kills which is damn impressive because I certainly didn't think they had even showed that many until you counted them for the kill roster.

I don't know for sure without counting myself but Usually when someone mentions that 50 men have been killed (any number greater than 15 really) they have usually died off panel, off screen, or in a montage.

My subpoint is that while not all 100 were shown killed by guts if the poster above my last post remembers that there are still men left for guts to fight in that battle when it cuts away; then when it cuts back they are all dead. Done.
Jaze1618 said:
My subpoint is that while not all 100 were shown killed by guts if the poster above my last post remembers that there are still men left for guts to fight in that battle when it cuts away; then when it cuts back they are all dead. Done.
Yeah, Miura does justify the numbers, to some extent. And in scenes like the 100-man-killing and the escape from Wyndham, I did count bodies, I think, as long as it was blatantly obvious who had done the killing (Guts, in most all cases) and they were fresh kills.

There's no real reason not to. But I didn't count someone else's estimate of how many troops there were.
I think you chose the best way to do it. If its not shown them killed then don't count them. If you make an exception for one battle then you might have to start making them other places.
Today I opened the kill roster by accident (I think) and I to my surprise there is a new and improved version. I really liked it. :serpico:

A small suggestion, I think it would be nice if all relevant check boxes were selected when checking an everything option and vice versa.

EDIT: I tried to search selecting a species and no kind of stats and the other way around (no species and stats) and I got an error. I'm almost positive that I wasn't supposed to do that but it's still something that could be validated.
Thanks for the comments, but I haven't updated this or even changed any of the entries for about 2-3 years.

m said:
EDIT: I tried to search selecting a species and no kind of stats and the other way around (no species and stats) and I got an error. I'm almost positive that I wasn't supposed to do that but it's still something that could be validated.
This is not a feature I think is necessary. No kind of stats? That's the whole purpose of the kill roster. It's not a bestiary. :azan:
Walter said:
Thanks for the comments, but I haven't updated this or even changed any of the entries for about 2-3 years.

Really? I think it hasn't been longer than three years since I last checked it and all I saw was a big list and I didn't see the search form.

Walter said:
This is not a feature I think is necessary. No kind of stats? That's the whole purpose of the kill roster. It's not a bestiary. :azan:

What I meant is that if there is no check box selected when the submit button is clicked on, perhaps it should default to everything or something instead of generating an error because it received malformed input.
Really not the right thread to ask the question in but, he's between 22-23 years old if you extrapolate information from the Miura Letter (read my post on it here:
I just loaded this ancient thread up to show a buddy who asked me "Just how much has Guts killed over the course of the series?"

And I have to ask after rereading the whole thread, would any of the things Guts has defeated since the arrival on Skellig count?
I dont think the Wicker Man counts. And neither do the pumpkins, unless you consider yourself a murderer for eating pumpkins. :guts: