Maddness - 3D Characters collection

Grorum said:
Guess not, it's quite heavy in polygon count you know.
(About 300K, maybe 500K when legs are done)

I've lots of professionnal work by the time, no spare time to finish it, neither this month.

I'll have plenty of time on february to work on it and...finish this one. (I really want to make a gurunberd bust, or Zoddo one..Ahhh...!)

I haven't been around in a while, so I'm just now checking this thread again.

As for Aazealh, I started out and still at the present time work at an outsourcing company. EA, Gearbox, etc etc hire us to do work for them to speed up their production. Though we're planning on doing our first IP this year..

As for Grorum.. I'm actually working on a Zodd model at home in my spare time. I started working on him the other day actually.

So far I've only got the base mesh done for the head, though I'm taking him into Zbrush (later tonight actually) to add more details, back into modo to give him his ears, and then probably maya to give him his hair. He's still got a long way to go on the head, I've still got a few places to fill out and detail.. then he needs some more skin work. Then I'll start on the body.

here's a quick little picture of him:


So far I'd say I'm 8% done.


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Hey Madness, I split your post into its own thread. I think you should finish this thing (as its got some good potential) here rather in Grorum's thread

So far it looks good. I don't think you're done with the mesh yet (he needs ears), so I think you need to get that done first before working on the displacement in Zbrush.

Can we see a wireframe?


Staff member
Maddness said:
As for Aazealh, I started out and still at the present time work at an outsourcing company. EA, Gearbox, etc etc hire us to do work for them to speed up their production. Though we're planning on doing our first IP this year.

Awesome, good luck with that. I like the idea of a Zodd model, I can't wait to see what the finished product will be like! :serpico:
CnC said:
Can we see a wireframe?

cool. thanks for splitting up the post. I didn't really think about making my own, as I figured having 1 3D thread was enough.

as for the wireframe. Sure. Here's a link of him. Note: that this is what you're seeing without the normal/displacement maps.

I actually ended up meating him up some in the face, especially around the cheek area.. in zbrush to fill him out some.


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Hey man, I like what you've done with it thus far on the mesh, its a very good start.

I may not be a expert at this sort of thing but there are some pointers I've learned that you may or may not find useful.

Heres a quick screen capture of an ooooold model I did (about 3 years ago), also it was never finished but you should get what I'm trying to talk about:


Some things I've learned about modeling heads (or anything organic) is the importance of "edge loops" or the way the mesh is oriented so that it allows for proper facial structure /volume is defined using the smallest number of points possible. It also has the added benefit of making deformation during animation seem more believable.
Some examples from the pic might include the way the mesh acts in rings around the eye and mouth so that they look a bit more natural. Also how the mesh will fall from the bridge of the nose downwards to the side of the mouth and to the chin. In your Zodd pic these elements might help, specifically in the areas of the cheek.

I hope that made sense. Keep in mind I'm no expert but hopefully that helped. :void:
And remember its always important to study reference, if you can get a good 1/3 view of Zodd's head to look at that will help with the structure tremendously.
CnC is right on edge loop.
You should take a look on Any good community which share some good topology' wires. (like, for example)

Good luck.
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