I took my son (11 years old) and his friend to see
Princess Mononoke in a theater recently. It was my first Ghibli film back when it first came out in 1999, and after seeing it again, it still is my favorite. I kind of figured that after having seen the other Ghibli movies over the past two decades, my opinion would have changed. Sure, you can see aspects of the other movies in this one, but those parallels don't cheapen the work. Instead, the movie feels like the perfect fusion of the Shinto themes in most of Ghibli's films through the approach of a blockbuster. It goes big, epic, and it does it elegantly.
My son liked it, but wasn't ecstatic about it. Probably because it IS pretty intense. I remembered the decapitation stuff, but the creepy worm things on the boar were pretty intense for him, particularly near the end. One amusing thing—he didn't know anything about the movie, just the name. So he was likely expecting it to be a Disney-princess level story. The reality of it being NOT THAT was a but jarring to him

. Also, he was whispering to me during the movie, puzzled and trying to figure out which characters were "bad guys" or "evil," and I could tell it was bothering him. Of course, the character motivations prevent you from labeling the humans as anything that simple. They often do cruel things, make selfish, narrow-minded decisions, but they're also doing them to allow their civilization to thrive. I thought this was the perfect graduation into that kind of more mature storytelling.