Official SK.NET Cooking Thread

Not sure if this post should be under the youtube thread or this...

Since its got to do with cake, I think I'll post it here though.

That being said, I wonder how it tastes like...
zrexe said:
Not sure if this post should be under the youtube thread or this...

Since its got to do with cake, I think I'll post it here though.

That being said, I wonder how it tastes like...

I'm not sure that even qualifies as a cake anymore... Anyway, this thread is for posting cooking recipes, so it's not the best place for stuff like that.
For this V-day I chose a delicious dinner over the usual candy and flowers (though I will still probably end up going out for them).

Luckily we just had a Butcher's Market open up close to home, and with us both being hardcore carnivores, I dropped a good 80$ on two 24 oz. bone-in Ribeyes, and two 12 ounce lobster tails. I think what I'm going to do for tonight is season the steaks for as long as possible before cooking them both at ~325 degrees for... oh I dunno... 30 minutes or so. This should be enough for both of us tonight, and then tomorrow (yes I know it won't be V-day anymore) I'll surprise her with the lobster tails... which sadly I'll have to broil since I don't have a grill. I think the best way to do this is to get a pan and fill it with water (about an inch or two), cut open the tails, and let them cook for a while... though I'm not sure how long yet.

Obviously I'm looking for a little advice if anyone has it. The spice for the ribeye's I'm using is Runninwild's Warm Spice (


The butcher recommended it so I'm only assuming it'll do the trick to make these steaks a bit more special. :slan:

And let's not forget... to go with it.

To make up for shitty food. :schnoz:
I made myself a sandwhich at work. No delivery or chinese food today. So for today my ingredients were : loaf of bread,avocado,cheddar slices,onion,lettuch,turkey and ham slices and mayonnaise. After that I got some carrots,chips and a drink. Ready to masticate.




zrexe said:
Not sure if this post should be under the youtube thread or this...

Since its got to do with cake, I think I'll post it here though.

That being said, I wonder how it tastes like...

Just another reason why so many other countries hate America we waste food and do things like this when they can barely each a meal a day.
Couple comments on the sandwich. I consider myself a sub artisan, so pardon my pickiness.

The cheese you used looks like processed American or low-grade cheddar. Those really aren't the best for sandwiches, and actually cost more than going to a deli and ordering up some sliced cheese. This venue also opens up a variety of different, tastier cheeses -- especially for sandwiches. The onion is also too centered and concentrated, which would result in 2-3 bites of intense onion tasting and 5-6 with barely any onion at all. However, regarding the avocado, I won't knock it until I've had it. It just struck me as strange on a sandwich. :schnoz:

avidwriter said:
Just another reason why so many other countries hate America we waste food and do things like this when they can barely each a meal a day.
For such an "avid" writer, you sure do like to create run-on sentences.

And yeah, I'm sure the international opinion is affected by creations like the Super Mario cake.
[quote author=Walter]The cheese you used looks like processed American or low-grade cheddar[/quote]

That's the cheese I used. I like my onion concentrated, I just for some reason didn't slice more. As for the avocado, I was going to make guacamole,but didn't have the remaining ingredients for it. Although, I usually put some on the majority of times I eat a sandwich if I have it at hand. All I can say, if I have bread and whatever else there is on the fridge,that I can fit between the slices I will make it into a sandwich.
Th3Branded0ne said:
All I can say, if I have bread and whatever else there is on the fridge,that I can fit between the slices I will make it into a sandwich.
Hahaha, and I can totally respect that. I just wanted to offer a few pointers in how to make it ... perfect :beast:
Walter said:
However, regarding the avocado, I won't knock it until I've had it. It just struck me as strange on a sandwich. :schnoz:

I'm going to have to try it. Hell for a time I thought fried eggs would taste awful on burgers. Man was I wrong [I leave out the yellow part :carcus:]!
Walter said:
Hahaha, and I can totally respect that. I just wanted to offer a few pointers in how to make it ... perfect :beast:

For me perfect is digestable. My boss is from South Korea, and he has mentioned when he was living there he ate dog. It didn't gross me out. It may me curious though. I don't think I"ll be eating any dog soon. But if by chance I win a cruise to South Korea I just might. :chomp:
I accidentally bought yakisoba packages that had no sauce packets in them (it's what I get for not reading carefully :puck:), so I had to resort to making my own sauce. There was a relatively simple one online:

1/2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 Tbsp. mirin
4-5 Tbsp. sugar ( :isidro:)
1/2 Tbsp. sesame seed oil
1/2 Tbsp. oyster sauce

I didn't have any oyster sauce, so I just added in a bit of water.
yota821 said:
I accidentally bought yakisoba packages that had no sauce packets in them (it's what I get for not reading carefully :puck:), so I had to resort to making my own sauce. There was a relatively simple one online:

1/2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 Tbsp. mirin
4-5 Tbsp. sugar ( :isidro:)
1/2 Tbsp. sesame seed oil
1/2 Tbsp. oyster sauce

I didn't have any oyster sauce, so I just added in a bit of water.

My wife usually adds some soy sauce (not a real measured amount, just what she thinks is enough) and sugar for her sauce... also if you do make yakisoba, get an egg and make it into a barely cooked omelet and put it on top with some mayo. :beast:
Well no thanks to you guys my 24 oz. ribeyes turned out absolutely amazing. :puck: :puck:
What I did was this:

>Seasoned about 4 hours before cooking with the warm spice I bought (see above).

>About an hour before putting them in to cook I rubbed them with olive oil and very generous helpings of fresh ground black pepper and kosher salt.

>Turned the oven to broil and put a cast-iron pan about 4 inches from the bottom heat source.

>Once preheated I pan-seared both steaks for 3 minutes on each side.

>Immediately afterward I reduced the heat to 500 degrees and let them cook for about 6-8 minutes, turning them halfway through.

>Plated both 24 oz steaks, and poured the remaining juices and yumminess from the pan onto them equally.

The response was more than I was hoping for. I'll say it in three words: BEST STEAK EVER! :beast: I was seriously afraid I'd mess this up, and it had been V-day I woulda been rather upset about it.

Tonight I'm cooking two 12 oz. lobster tails... which I'm slightly familiar with doing. This time however, I'm trying a new season of 1/2 cup melted butter, 1/2 tbsp. Paprika, salt and white pepper for taste. I've tasted the season and it seems good, but I'm skeptical about the white pepper... We'll see how it turns out in the end.

I'm going to be broiling both of them in a cooking pan with about a 1/2 inch of water. Beforehand I'm going to use all of the seasoning on the tails, then stuff them back into the shell (supposed to preserve flavor...). When I pull them out I'm going to rest the meat on top of the tails for presentation. Fresh lemon wedges and a garlic butter dipping sauce to go with.... let's all cross our fingers!


I made the mistake of dethawing them by wrapping them in plastic and soaking in cold water. While this definitely works, it supposedly makes the meat rubbery. I took them out about 3 hours before it was time to start the cooking process. so let's hope they weren't compromised too much. :???:

Oh and my girlfriend is going to be taking pictures this time, she liked the steaks that much, so hopefully I'll get you guys some pictures of the finished product.
Good for you Deci. Too bad I didn't help, but my cooking standards aren't that high so I would have messed it up. I hope the finished product you take pictures of is not the one after digestion. :troll:
Well we took picture but I'm afraid we were in too much of hurry to eat it to make sure it came out clear.


Honestly I felt like I over-cooked it, and looking back I would've preferred to've basted it in some type of butter sauce while it was broiling. And to affirm my suspicions, it did turn out a little rubbery from my dethaw methods. Lessons learned! Next time it shall be perfect-o!
I guess this would be a good place to talk about the dinner I made last night.

Last night i made a really easy Stir Fry, the pictures I took didn't do it justice and i didn't take a picture of the ingreadiants (?) *bad speller*
But it ended up being consumed fairly quickly and i thought it tasted pretty good as well.

1. 3-4 small chicken breasts, defrosted
2. 1 large head of Brocolli
3. 3 carrots
4. *optional* 1/2 bell pepper

You can add any sort of vegetables you want but Carrots and Brocolli work the best

5. 2cups of rice
6. 1/4th cup of chicken broth
7. Garlic powder


1. Cut chicken into small pieces, set aside.
2. bring to boil in medium pot 4 cups of water. Add rice, stir. Turn heat down to simmer and leave for 25-30 min.
3. dice vegetables.
4. in large skillet fry vegetables in Oil for 2-3 min, then slowly pour chicken broth over vegetables in small ammounts until coated. Sprinkle as much garlic powder as desired over vegtables.


6. After 5-7 min, or until vegetables are mostly cooked add chicken along with some more garlic powder. Cook until Chicken is white all the way through.
7. remove from heat and push all vegetables to one side and let all the remaining broth and oil slide to edge of skillet and drain with spoon or bastor.
8 serve over rice with a slight touch of teriyaki sauce.

makes about 3 or 4 servings


you can't really see it very well especially against our table cloth. But it tasted really good. We usually have left overs but there wasn't any T_T I wanted to eat more T_T

I took Cooking in school for three years so i'm pretty sure these directions should work pretty well.
Heya all! I know its been a while but I wanted to share with you a great great recipe for some of the god damn tastiest guacamole ever.

No pictures for now since I am at work but I will take some and post them later tonight!

Now this is not a fast recipe since one of the main key ingredients will take you three months to get ready if you choose to do it yourself. For this guacamole you will need the following.

2 avocados that are ripe ( You can tell this by picking one up and gently squeezing it. If it easily gives, then its ready to use!)
1/2 medium onion
2 teaspoons salt and 3 bam's of pepper :carcus:
1 preserved lemon**
1 teaspoon and a half of garlic paste
1 tomato

**Please note that this is the ingredient that will take the longest to get ready if you do it on your own. You may preserve lemons by doing the following.**

Lemon preserving - First make sure you have a jar that has a tight lid (screw on type preferred).

Get your lemon and with a sharp knife, cut 4 large lines into it with one on each presumed side. You don't want to cut your lemon in halves all the way open but you want to have 4 cuts that you can stuff lots of salt into.

Once you have the cuts open, pack those areas full of salt and place into the jar. Do this with your desire amount of lemons. Once that is done put water into the jar until its full and the lemons are submerged. Then dump another large amount of salt into it and stir it. Once that is done close the jar and put it into a dark place at room temperature and leave for 3 months.

That's right, leave it there for three month's. Over time you will see white pulp sitting at the bottom of your jar, just shake it up and put it back.

Once enough time has passed and you want to use a lemon, say for guacamole, then do the following...

Making your guacamole!

1. Cut your avocados into quarters (4 pieces) and dump all the gooey green goodness into a mixing bowl. Make sure to save one pit!

2. Get a fork and mash-up the avocado until its a bit lumpy!

3. Cut your onion up into very small bits. If you have a food processor then you can use that. Once the onion is cut, dump that into the avocado mix.

4. Next dump in your salt, pepper, and garlic.

5. Get one of your preserved lemons and cut into 4 slices. Squeeze the juice from there into your avocado mix.

6. Take out the seeds from the lemon and lay that slice peel up and with a sharp knife, cut into thin strips. Once they are in strips cut into fine pieces. Do this for the remaining slices.

7. Once all those items are in the bowl, mix it all up nice and good.

8. That giant pit you saved (you did save it right?) will now come into play. Rinse it off with water and dry. Once done place it in the middle of your dip since the guacamole will not brown as fast with it in there. Cover up your bowl with some plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until you plan to use it.

9. When you plan on using your guacamole, get that tomato and cut it up into fine pieces and mix into your guacamole.

10. Now you are ready to have that fine mixture gang bang your face as you can't stop eating it. This stuff taste great on chicken, burgers, off of your stomach, it doesn't matter. :beast:

Just to let you all know... I didn't preserve lemons just for this and I actually plan on making some Moroccan food soon which tastes oh so much better with preserved lemons! I will make a post about that once I get some time.
This is craziness. This is madness. A cooking thread! On skullknight. How cool. I'll have to try some of these, just flicking through the thread is making me hungry.

Maybe I'll demonstrate my college acquired skill of peanut-butter-grape-bannana sandwich making.
SlimJ87D said:
Dear gawd.... for a second in the Mac and CHeese one I thought those were gigantic sticks of butter O_O
hahah yea no. Although if I could make one suggestion about my Mac and Cheese is that... if you use garlic, add it into the cheese mixture, then pour the mixture with the macaroni. It takes much better that way.
Well it's that time again! Me and my girlfriend are going to my parent's house earlier in the day on Thanksgiving for some true grubbin'! We've been making it a tradition the past couple years to bring a side dish of our own. Last year it was her amazing family-owned Mac'n Chesse recipe. You'd be surprised at how many steps she takes in making it, if I remember corrently there was at least 3 different types of fresh Deli-sliced cheeses and ~2 or so pre-diced cheeses. It was crazy good~!

This year I wanted to do something different, so I'm screwin around with a couple different recipes, trying to find the perfect one. I'm pretty sure I'm landing on a variation of a Cheesy Spinach Caserole, instead of some of the more typical Thanksgiving side-dishes. It's going to be a challenge, trying something new for a big holiday, but I have confidence - me and my girlfriend are both great cooks.

Between the two of us I'm sure we'll make something amazing. Will try to remember to take pictures and save the recipe we use if it all turns out. Will keep you posted!