Official SK.NET Cooking Thread

Ah sweet! I'm gonna check out and try out some of these recipes in time ^_~

This's what I had for dinner tonight ... man, it's 4 am and I'm stahvin though ... I'll prolly go straight to work without catching any sleep at this point, anyway ...

Rice, Lentil Yellow Dal, and Spicy Pork Sausages on the side

A closer look

The rice took 15 mins, the Dal took the same 15 mins. While both of em were cooking, I took a non-stick pan, added me spices in 'ere, added the sausages and let it cook with a dash of water. Voila.

EDIT: 0719
A little fried food today heh ... this is more common in Filipino cuisine, I forgot the name of the spring rolls


And then I made some prawns in a spicy thick tomato base, to have with bread.


But I'm still hungry!!! So, I'm eating these chips >_> ... spicy banana chips *omnomnomnomnom*

Thank you for the pizza recipe Saiyajin. I just made two pizzas yesterday for my family, which was about ten people. It got a little messy, but everyone was very happy with it. They were all in shock, and their expressions only got better when they found out I got the recipe online. Ah, it was a good feeling. :serpico:
The Hawkman said:
Thank you for the pizza recipe Saiyajin. I just made two pizzas yesterday for my family, which was about ten people. It got a little messy, but everyone was very happy with it. They were all in shock, and their expressions only got better when they found out I got the recipe online. Ah, it was a good feeling. :serpico:
Yay! a success story! Glad to hear that everything worked out! If you want a little crunchier pizza. get a large skillet and put oil in it, about half way full. From there make your dough into a size that can fit in side of it. Put the dough in there and let it fry for a few minutes. Turn it over and then while the other side is cooking, put your sauce, cheese, and other goodies on it. Put a lid over it and let it sit for a few minutes. Great with a beer, milk, or OJ! :ubik:

EDIT: Also the Filipino name for that is Lumpia. They taste great with Sweat and Sour sauce!
While the wife was out for a few days, I took to the kitchen and cooked something she would not approve of, because it has onions. Chicken Parmesan. It was delicious. Here's how it turned out:


What we're going to do is coat the chicken with a breading mixture, then fry it in a pan before throwing it in a baking pan, covering it with sauce, and broiling it in the oven so the cheese melts along with the sauce. Here's what you'll need...

-1 lb chicken breasts (thinly sliced if possible, since they cook easier that way. Normal sized breasts will work too, you'll just have to be careful when frying to strike the right balance between golden crust and cooked chicken. You can easily overdo it in the fryer, and end up with blackened chicken. No good!).

-1 med size yellow onion
-24 oz can of fire-roasted crushed tomatoes. If you can't find anything fancy, regular old crushed tomatoes should be fine.
-1 handful of fresh basil, chopped
-2 cloves garlic
-Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-Crushed red pepper flakes

-1 tsbp oregano (fresh or dried)
-Bread crumbs of the Italian variety
-salt, pepper
-cayenne pepper
-2 eggs
-1 cup flour
-Parmesan (this time, the cheap powdered stuff will work)

~1/2 cup each: Parmesan, Mozzarella (grated)

1) Heat up a frying pan on low-medium heat with about 2-3 tbsp of olive oil. While it's heating, chop onion, garlic cloves until they're fine. Drop those in the frying pan along with a hefty dash of the crushed red pepper. Whisk those around until transparent. Chop up the basil. Add that along with the can of crushed tomatoes. Cook for about 5 minutes while stirring. When thoroughly heated, remove from the heat and set aside. Finally, add salt and pepper -- however much you feel comfortable with.

2) Set up 3 bowls with the following a) flour b) eggs, beaten c) mix together: bread crumbs, oregano, Parmesan, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper. Move the chicken through each of those bowls, in the order I listed. Works best if one hand handles the dry and one hand the wet. After each chicken has been coated and looks ready to fry, set it on a plate and prepare the next step...

3) Heat up a frying pan on medium heat, with about 2-3 tbsp of olive oil. Once the oil starts talking to you, it's ready to fry, so drop in the chicken. Cook it for about 2 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Remove chicken from the frying pan. Set on top of a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil. Then...

4) Heat oven to BROIL. Move chicken into a baking pan or glassware dish. Drench chicken with that delicious red sauce we've made. Now cover it with cheese. Finally, if you have any leftover basil from the cutting board, add all that stuff just for a bit of extra flavor.

5) Throw that in the oven and wait for about 3-5 minutes. Once it looks like the above picture, you're ready to eat. I recommend a salad, or grilled asparagus as a side, but really, anything green will complement this dish.

oh my, that does look tasty, Walter. I might have to try that out. Doesn't seem that it takes too long either.

Oh and Incantation that Lentil Yellow Dal with Spicy Pork Sausages looks amazing. Reminds me of some Persian food I enjoy.
Whoa, that looks professional Walter. I might try it out seeing as your recipe's well detailed (easier to follow).

Thanks Turkitage, funny you mention Persian food because I'm Zoroastrian/ a Parsi, and we did live in Persia a couple of hundred years ago (long story) teeeehehehe.
Thanks for the comments. Just wanted to chime in one more time and say that leftover fresh basil and grated mozarella cheese go amazing on regular old frozen pizza.
I am off from work today, so I decided to make some enchiladas. This were kinda simple since I haven't bought a cheese grater since I moved to the new place, so they don't have that cheese spread all over them. I made the ones you roll the tortilla and stuff it with meat. But where I am from they are served stacked like pancakes and just cheese and onions in between them.

Chilly pods. I used Pasilla chilly pods and Arbol chilly pods ( for heat), but usually New Mexico pods are the common ones. Cheese, usually Mozzarella is the choice, but any of your choice it's fine as long as it melts fast. Corn tortillas, just get them warm up, by the time you are going to use them. Meat (for the rolled enchiladas) either chicken or pork. I used chicken this time. Oil, either corn or olive oil for dipping the rolled or flat tortilla.

Directions: boil the meat until it is fully cooked and then after that leave it longer if you wan it to be easier to chew. Next, boil the chilly pods in a pot or something big enough. I put in a 8 oz. bag and it fed 3 of us. After it has boiled and soften the pods and has turned the water to a color similar to the pods then let it cool for about 10 minutes. Then put the pods in a blender with some of the water to make the sauce. I recommend putting a few pods in, since they are hot and the more you put in, the more steam comes out of the blender and it may spray some sauce if it's too full. After all it's blended, use a strainer and pour the contents into it, this will give you a sauce without the seeds and some of the fragments of the pods. Depending how thick you want the sauce, you can add water from the pot you used to boil the pods and press with a spoon until you can only mostly see seeds and stuff that won't go through. Heat the sauce to a low fire. Take the meat apart in small pieces to fit into the tortilla and roll it. Pour the oil in a pan or pot, that is deep enough to cover the tortilla. Let it heat for about 5 to 7 minutes in a medium fire. Let them in the oil for about 20 seconds, just so they become stiff and hot enough for the cheese to melt. I put the cheese inside as I took them out. I made them pretty simple, without any lettuce on the side or something else since my roomates don't like vegetables that much. With the warm sauce, after you have finished making all the rolls, just pour the sauce and cover them, so they stay warm. Enjoy!








Looks good Branded, especially the sauce! I'm a fan of spice ^_^.

Here's what I whipped last night ...


It's more of a Chicken Pulao/ Biryani per say ... or something in between! I was going to make some gravy to go with it, but I was too frackin' hungry to wait >_<'. I used 2 cups of rice to cook with, smashed it in an hour and fell asleep right after (I eat a lot *cough*).
Tasty dish you got there, Canty! Looks like something my grandma would make. :guts:

And holy crap, Branded... I nearly had a heart attack after trying to eat one of those red peppers, how do you take it?!
So I've been cooking a lot off late because my Mom's here and she's making sure I eat at home versus order take-out food all the time. I have this hand-written cooking book that my Mom gave me 4 years ago, and I'm going to diligently cook my dinners or other meals at home as much as I can ...

So here's an Omelette for you -

In one of those things that can chop vegetables for you, take 1/2 an onion, 1/2 a green chilli (not bell peppers, thin small green chillies) + a little cilantro. Mix it just for a bit because you don't want to make a puree out of it, just chop it a little fine is all. Take this mix in a bowl or vessel where you then add some salt + half a teaspoon of turmeric powder + a teaspoon of chilli powder (not chilly flakes, this is something you get at an Indian store) + 1/4 teaspoon of ginger-garlic paste (again, you'd get this at an Indian store) + 1 egg. Mix this all up and if it looks a little dry, add another egg + up the quantity of the ingredients a bit. Take 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick frying pan or some butter depending on what you prefer and heat it a bit. Take a big serving spoon you'd have where you can scoop the mix you've made and pour it in the pan. Depending on the size of the omelette, add a little bit one at a time or make yourself bigger omelette's. Let this cook well and after about a minute, take something flat to help you turn it over. It should look dark brown and here's a screen shot of the omelette in the pan. I like mine done a little darker than this, and you can make yours based on whatever you prefer.

It is one's preference whether to use butter or oil for the omelette in the recipe I posted. I used butter yesterday but I like it cooked with oil. It is also of a darker shade because of the spices you're putting in it (cooking them gives it a certain color) versus a regular omelette. I don't have a handy picture of the oil I use but it has 0 trans-fat and 0 cholesterol from what I remember.


Just made this and I'm going to save half of it for later so I don't feel super full X'D

A different take on Scrambled Eggs.

Chop 1 onion (smaller pieces) and fry in a non-stick pan with either 1 spoonful of butter or a tablespoon of oil till they turn pink. Meanwhile, take 2 eggs in a bowl and beat em up. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ginger-garlic paste to this and fry it a bit. Add 2 finely chopped tomatoes to this mix along with - lightly sliced cilantro, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder + 1 teaspoon of chilli powder (depending on how spicy you want to make it) and salt to taste. Lower the heat and add the eggs in the pan. Stir it around so as to mix it well with the ingredients we added a few minutes ago till the eggs are done. Since eggs cook relatively quick, you should give it maybe a minute or so of stirring around or till it looks like the consistency you see in the picture below and voila - it's done!

(I made this below with 4 eggs which's why it looks like there's a lot of it ^_^. Once you've got a hang of the recipe you can customize it to make it spicier or just the right amount of flavor as you'd like it).

Seems like it's been awhile since the Cooking Thread has been hit up, so now seems like as good a time as ever.

My wife is vegan, which essentially means I am vegan (except for half & half in my coffee... gotta have that :isidro:)

Anyway, I have an awesome Miso Soup recipe which is super easy and super delicious. I make a batch about 3 times a week.

The secret to any good Miso is to start with a Dashi. If you've ever gone to restaurant and ordered Miso Soup only to have it taste like a piece of paper with some onions then chances are they did not use a Dashi in their preparation.

Here is a recipe for a 5 cup portion of the best Miso Soup you've ever had.

Items Needed:

5 Cups of Water
1 - 5x5 Inch piece of Kombu
5 - Dehydrated Shitake Mushrooms
5 Tablespoons - Soy Sauce
5 Tablespoons - White Miso Paste

Extra Firm Tofu Cubed

Start with the Dashi which is just the water, kombu, and mushrooms. Combine the ingredients and let soak for 15 minutes.

While this is soaking prep your tofu, wakame and scallions (all of these ingredients are to preference, meaning you can use as much or as little as you like...)

After 15 minutes remove the mushrooms, cut off the stems, cut into thin strips and return to the Dashi.

Turn the heat on and simmer for 15 minutes. (Here is a trick, add some hot Dashi to your Miso Paste and mix until smooth. This will make it easier to mix in your soup when everything is done.)

After 15 minutes of simmering remove your Kombu and Shitake Mushrooms and discard. (If you're making a stir fry to go with the Miso then use the Mushroom strips they are still delicious!)

Once the Kombu and Mushrooms are gone add your Soy Sauce, Miso Paste, Scallions, Tofu and Wakame, and you are done!

Miso will go with just about everything so hopefully you will enjoy! :ubik:
Thanks for sharing! I love me some miso soup. :guts: I didn't know about the dashi actually! And I have had that bland soup you're talking about, so at least I know the reason why it was missing that flavor.
Trust me it's the bomb. I basically live off of the stuff. Because of the vegan transition for me I looked into a lot of different Asian recipes and it seems that the secret to any of them is a traditional base sauce or stock. I saw the Dashi recipe on the back of an off brand package of Asian noodles, and it said to add scallions to make a delicious broth. It didn't click with me for a little bit that this most definitely was the base for Miso. After that moment I've never looked back... :femto:
Hell yeah. my kind of thread.

Making your own Curry... college edition. Keep in mind you should never cook this dish for just yourself. A lady tasted this and said, "I'm going to date this guy." We are still together after over a decade. Instructions:

The Base
  • Coconut milk. Chunky is good. Fatty is good.
  • Curry powder or paste. Add and blend to the taste of someone you are cooking for. Do not judge it yourself!
  • Brown Sugar. Add and blend to the taste of someone else.
  • Cayenne or chili flakes or whatever hot sauce. Add and blend to the taste of someone else.
The Dish
  • Pineapple chunks. To soak up the base flavor.
  • Bellpepper, either chopped or diced for color.
  • Optional: Onion - sliced chives will do fine. Or, finely slice up half a regular onion and caramelize in oil. Stir frequently until translucent.
  • Garlic: crushed, minced and roasted in oil for 30 seconds. Stir frequently.
  • Ginger: minced.
At this point, who gives a shit. The only person who can be blamed is the one who told you what to add... throw in some brocolli or cabbage or bean sprouts or meat or whatever... and enjoy! Go crazy or simply use whatever was onsale or sitting in your fridge. Serve over rice or noodles. Enjoy! If anyone finds this recipe, plus wants a different take I am happy to share a different variation.
Note: the flavors will settle in, so don't be surprised if you find it tastes even better after a day of rest in your fridge.
Curry: street food style. Keep in mind you should never cook this dish for just yourself. :casca: :carcus:
Probably less healthy... but yummy.

Brown meat in a pan with some oil on all sides, 2 minutes per side.
- Finish cooking the meat however you prefer (outside this recipe).
Add can of coconut milk or broth
Scrape all the brown bits with a wooden spoon until they dissolve.
Add any rendered fatty liquid from your meat cooking to taste.
Add packet of curry powder.
Add brown sugar or honey to taste for sweetness.
Add cayenne or other dry heat to taste for hotness.
- Alternatively, gently saute hot peppers in a pan with some oil / minced garlic / ginger and set aside so only the brave will have to eat them for the super heat.

If you want to make this creamier you can experiment with adding some sour cream or heavy cream and allowing it to dissolve a bit into the base.

Season with salt, black pepper, pepper flakes, paprika, whatever. Congrats on your meat curry base.
As you combine this with vegetables consider their texture. Example, you can steam brocolli for 5 minutes so it keeps some bite and then combine it with this base.
Threw together a quick lunch with some stuff that was laying around. Had some leftover tostadas from making crunchwrap supremes yesterday, so I broke a few into bits to make a bed, mashed some canned black beans and chickpeas up and cooked them in a pot with salt, cumin, garlic powder, chipotle peppers and paprika. Boiled a few eggs and doused it all with Tapatio!

German here, so I'm obviously gonna post my Appenzeller Wurst-Salat (eng: Appenzeller Sausage salad) here!

Fun (and paradox) fact: This salad can easily be modified to fit vegeterians as well!

It's real simple:

You need:
  • A whole Fleisch-Wurst (It's a meaty, boiled, pork-sausage):


    (for the vegetarians: Just replace the sausage with a vegetarian sausage replacement product. At least here in Germany, they are everywhere)
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 150g (a block) of Gouda cheese
  • 200g Romaine lettuce (no idea whether that's a thing outside Germany. It's like an iceberg lettuce)
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Good amount of Parsley
And for the dressing:
(it's a salad after all, we are not barbarians)

  • 2 tablespoons of mustard
  • 3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons of oil
  • Salt, Pepper and spices to your liking (cumin e.g.)

Cut all the ingredients into dices, except for the sausage: You want those in longer rectangles (like noodles). Onions as well. Mix the dressing, pour it over, let it sit for half an hour and voila!

The Wurst-Salat is best served with a Bauern-Brot (Farmer's bread). It's a brown, thick bread with a crunchy crust. Put some butter onto it and enjoy!


(Image not 100% faithful to the posted recipe, but you get the jist of it.)
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