SECRET SCHNOZ 2021! Gifts Going Out Now!


Feel the funk blast

The holiday season is officially underway! And what does that mean? PRESENTS! :schnoz:
Incantation and I decided to host a Secret Santa event here on the board. For those of you who aren't familiar, here's a summary of how Secret Santas work.

If you're interested in entering, please read the rules below, and then PM me and Incantation with the following information:

1. The physical address* and/or email address you'd like to have your gift delivered to (this info will only be seen by me, Incantation and your Secret Schnoz). You can also feel free to provide a Steam ID or other info if you'd like to receive a certain type of digital gift.
2. A list of at least 3 gift preferences. Don't leave your Secret Schnoz in the dark! :griffnotevil: Just don't ask for anything like a new laptop, ya goof.


Today -thru- November 15: Collecting entries - PM Grail and Incantation to enter!
November 16: Incantation and I divide up the entries and randomly assign Schnozzes using a randomizing program (or a bunch of names in a hat...).
November 17: We send out the information to the Schnozzes so that they can buy/make gifts!
November 18 -thru- December 25: The gifts come rolling in! Don't forget to post pictures!!

Canty and I spent a lot of time mulling over an appropriate set of rules to make this fair for everyone. Please go over them if you'd like to participate:


1. 50 Post Participation Minimum This is a tough one, but we want to ensure a certain level of trustworthiness among the participants. If you don't quite have 50 posts yet, try to rack up your post count in time for the Nov 15 deadline!
2. $15 Price Minimum Feel free to get a single or multiple gifts that add up to $15! Keep in mind that this minimum doesn't include shipping costs. If you choose to participate, do so knowing that is an international community and you may or may not end up sending gifts to someone in a different country IF you choose to send a physical gift.
3. Handmade Gifts In the interest of fairness, we've decided that handmade gifts will be worth the amount spent on the materials. For example, if you want to create a Beherit out of clay for someone, you can subtract the price of the clay and paint from the $15 total. If you're into 2d art, I would recommend painting a picture and then putting it in a nice store bought frame! Sorry that it's so complicated, but we don't want to leave it open for any bad apples that might ruin the fun for everyone.

* Due to postage issues during the holidays this year, we encourage you to give digital gifts if possible. If you're giving a gift to a recipient outside of your country, we highly recommend that you choose to give a digital gift. Trust us, it'll save you some aggravation! If you really want to send a physical gift, you may want to arrange to send it as far ahead of time as you can.
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1 week left for registration!

Please don't forget to PM me and/ Grail to confirm your participation for this year's Schnozchange, and your gift preferences.
I received a mysterious Amazon package in the mail yesterday, and it turned out that it was from none other than @Johnstantine , my Secret Schnoz! Thank you for the Junji Ito book, my little cat Ally and I are very excited to read it together. :beast:

My gift arrived, and wow - it's massive! I feel like a pirate who struck gold on a treasure quest.

Thank you SO MUCH to my secret Schnoz! I don't know who you are, but please say hello either in the topic or via PM.


It's exactly the kind of treasure I was seeking, this is just awesome. Brands I'm seeing for the first time too, and the first thing I did was dive into the chocolate wafer :beast:. Butter + garlic = perfect for shrimp, so I'm stoked to try out the seasoning pack too. Oouufff.
My gift arrived, and wow - it's massive! I feel like a pirate who struck gold on a treasure quest.

Thank you SO MUCH to my secret Schnoz! I don't know who you are, but please say hello either in the topic or via PM.

It's exactly the kind of treasure I was seeking, this is just awesome. Brands I'm seeing for the first time too, and the first thing I did was dive into the chocolate wafer :beast:. Butter + garlic = perfect for shrimp, so I'm stoked to try out the seasoning pack too. Oouufff.
Damn, dude!! That's a haul fit for a king! It looks like your Schnoz has a great taste in snacks, too. :guts:
My gift arrived, and wow - it's massive! I feel like a pirate who struck gold on a treasure quest.

Thank you SO MUCH to my secret Schnoz! I don't know who you are, but please say hello either in the topic or via PM.


It's exactly the kind of treasure I was seeking, this is just awesome. Brands I'm seeing for the first time too, and the first thing I did was dive into the chocolate wafer :beast:. Butter + garlic = perfect for shrimp, so I'm stoked to try out the seasoning pack too. Oouufff.
I’m glad you liked them! :D