Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 39


Staff member

Episode 39 (12/15/2013): GIGANTOMAKHIA [2]

We review the second issue of Gigantomakhia, digging a little deeper into Prome and Delos' journey. Rest assured that in the distant future, there will be still be suplexes and upskirts. We also dive into our first re-read: Volume 1 and come away with some unexpected observations. We end the show by discussing our favorite books and what everyone's been playing. Also, member questions!

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Since it's only 6 issues , you guys think is something Miura just wanted to show an idea he had and just wanted to have exposure to it. Also, even while working on berserk just to have some kind of a break from it .
Slime_Beherit said:
Back when Whiskey Media still existed, I ventured into Anime Vice to see if anime was still something I could into (it isn't). That's where I encountered this review for Berserk volume 1. Hearing you guys talking about it reminded me of it.

I'm insulted, both by the comparison and by the fact you got me to watch this.
Fun episode guys! I really, really enjoyed the reread discussion. Vargas is one of my favorite characters, so it's nice to see him get some love. :guts: THis elf-in-a-jar always gives me the creeps, though. :magni:




Speaking of Delos adding "su" to the end of random words, I've seen it a few times before in anime. The most recent of which is the main character of the new Gatchaman anime, Hajime. Another example is Zushi in Hunter x Hunter.