Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 46


Staff member

Episode 46 (04/13/2014): Inside Falconia

After a year-long break, Berserk is back. We waste no time, eagerly reviewing each page of the new episode, which involves discussion of Falconia's economy, the basis for the city's (re)emergence, and what Rickert might do when confronted with Griffith.

No volume re-read this time, though. It's 100% 334 talk. Stay tuned next episode for Volume 8, and then, 335.

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It's funny that Aaz brings up concerns about the pace of the story because that exact thing has been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while now. (If I'm misunderstanding what you said, Aaz, feel free to tell me to fuck off.) But I never realized how much information we got and how quickly we got it during the ordeal with the Sea God until I read the volume as a whole. It seemed like a lot of important information was revealed at breakneck speed. It almost felt like a cram session. Now we're back to Rickert and in four episodes he has beelined straight for Griffith.

I'm not criticizing the pacing or anything. It just feels like things are being rushed a bit. Or maybe it's just that things aren't being expanded upon as much as I'd like.
Skeleton said:
It's funny that Aaz brings up concerns about the pace of the story because that exact thing has been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while now. (If I'm misunderstanding what you said, Aaz, feel free to tell me to fuck off.) But I never realized how much information we got and how quickly we got it during the ordeal with the Sea God until I read the volume as a whole. It seemed like a lot of important information was revealed at breakneck speed. It almost felt like a cram session. Now we're back to Rickert and in four episodes he has beelined straight for Griffith.

Well as far as I'm concerned, I don't think the story's moved too quickly so far (what you describe is more the fact the episodes are very dense), it's more of a "worry" about the future, where things might go faster than I'd want them to. In truth I'm not too worried though, as I don't think Miura is prone to rushing at all.
I wasn't sure what to expect before we got to see inside, I guess I assumed apostles would be around humans out in the city but this makes more sense, maybe most of them are in the sections we haven't seen or closer to Griffiths quarters. I love all the detail that Miura put into the architecture, it actually kind of irks me when some people I know say "Miura should just skip all this extra detailing because it makes the episodes come out way slower". I admit sometimes I wish they would come out sooner, but looking at these spreads of his drawings makes it all worth it to me, and I hope he never has to rush anything.

Do you guys think we'll see Nina again sometime in the future? I am glad Luca and the group are back so maybe her and Joachim will turn up somewhere. I wonder if in the throne room it will play out with Griffith speaking to Rickert on a less then personal level (especially if the others in the court are there), then maybe before Rickert leaves he will mention Guts or the Falcon. I don't think he will jeopardize Erica's safety, but I bet we will get something.

Thanks again for the podcast. :)
Tama said:
Do you guys think we'll see Nina again sometime in the future? I am glad Luca and the group are back so maybe her and Joachim will turn up somewhere.
I dunno man, things weren’t looking so great for Nina (physically speaking) back when we were following her story, so I’m not getting my hopes up. If she and Joachim are still kicking, I’d be very curious to see how they’re received if they try to enter the city. But then again, maybe you don’t have to be a vegetable to get special health benefits from the World Spiral Tree? :griffnotevil:

Anyway, another great podcast guys! I'm very excited to hear that you're planning a follow-up letter to Miura. Is there anything that can be done to help by those of us who don't have bookmark-making skills? :carcus:
Tama said:
Do you guys think we'll see Nina again sometime in the future? I am glad Luca and the group are back so maybe her and Joachim will turn up somewhere.

I'm not expecting it at this point. Who knows though.
Good stuff guys. Especially liked the ending when you guys started talking about the possible political allusions and conflicting ideologies Miura could implement into Berserk. I especially liked the part where you said Guts could be looked at as a sort of "terrorist" from the people of Falconia through vision sequences. Interesting possibility. The visions acting like a sort of "TV" propaganda of the world.

Tama said:
Do you guys think we'll see Nina again sometime in the future? I am glad Luca and the group are back so maybe her and Joachim will turn up somewhere.

That's an interesting possibility as well. The last time we heard of them they left off somewhere together, two cowards working together in order to learn to be brave. Here's a possibility: imagine that instead of them being in Falconia, they end up with Guts and co. fighting against Griffith. Definitely would be a nice way to redeem both those characters :)
IronBerserk said:
Good stuff guys. Especially liked the ending when you guys started talking about the possible political allusions and conflicting ideologies Miura could implement into Berserk.

Thanks! Yeah, I think the episode went pretty well.

That's an interesting possibility as well. The last time we heard of them they left off somewhere together, two cowards working together in order to learn to be brave. Here's a possibility: imagine that instead of them being in Falconia, they end up with Guts and co. fighting against Griffith. Definitely would be a nice way to redeem both those characters :)

It's a cute thought, but I don't think they'd be particularly useful on the battlefield. Unless the plan is to slowly infect the opposing force with STDs.
Walter said:
It's a cute thought, but I don't think they'd be particularly useful on the battlefield. Unless the plan is to slowly infect the opposing force with STDs.

LOL, good point :ganishka: But if there's going to be a war between Guts and Griffith, they don't exactly have to be fighting. Simple humanitarian aid would be good enough...though STD Nina working with bloodied patients probably isn't that good an idea either
Skeleton said:
I'm not criticizing the pacing or anything. It just feels like things are being rushed a bit. Or maybe it's just that things aren't being expanded upon as much as I'd like.

I wonder if sometimes Miura feels like accelerating the pace of the story when the episodes are released at longer intervals. You know, to keep the interest of more casual readers, or even to fuel his own? I don't think so though.

By the way, very interesting episode and podcast. Thanks a lot guys!
I like the idea of Guts being viewed as the antagonist by the people of Falconia, whether it's through dream visions or just simply the people drawing their own conclusions. I imagine it wouldn't take much convincing. With Griffith being their savior giving them this amazing city and suddenly Guts shows up in berserk armor looking for Griffiths head, I think the people wouldn't hesitate much to defend their new king. I like the role reversal, which reminds me of when Farnese led the Holy Iron Chain Knights after Guts, thinking he was their prophesied enemy. It takes the notion of "the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist" to an even more extreme level.

Sammoniac said:
I wonder if sometimes Miura feels like accelerating the pace of the story when the episodes are released at longer intervals. You know, to keep the interest of more casual readers, or even to fuel his own? I don't think so though.

I think it only feels that way because multiple big story moments we've been waiting years for are finally happening and will start converging. So it feels like the pace has quickened but actually it's just several big story events happening simultaneously.
Oburi said:
I like the role reversal, which reminds me of when Farnese led the Holy Iron Chain Knights after Guts, thinking he was their prophesied enemy.

The fight between Guts and Mozgus, and the crowd's reaction, is a more literal example of how it might play out.
Sammoniac said:
I wonder if sometimes Miura feels like accelerating the pace of the story when the episodes are released at longer intervals. You know, to keep the interest of more casual readers, or even to fuel his own? I don't think so though.

I seriously doubt he has the "interest of the casual readers" in mind when he works.
Aaz commenting on Rickert & Erica's ages actually touched on something I was wondering lately: How much time HAS elapsed post-Golden Age? Does anyone have a rough idea?
Doc said:
Aaz commenting on Rickert & Erica's ages actually touched on something I was wondering lately: How much time HAS elapsed post-Golden Age? Does anyone have a rough idea?

Officially in the series it's been at least two years since the end of the Golden age. The last documented time jump is in volume 14. Also, it's something we asked Miura in our interview in 2009, and he said it's probably longer:

Q1: To the readers, Guts as a character has grown tremendously in the past few years, but how much time has elapsed in the Berserk world since the end of the Golden Age arc in Volume 14? (i.e. Lost Children - Millennium Falcon)

I’d say it’s been 3-4 years, though it’s not been clearly decided.
Thanks, Walter. That's handy to know. What age do we currently put Rickert at, then? He had to be early teens during the Golden Age, surely. About 13 (so 16-17 now?) Ish hard to tell in manga sometimes.
Doc said:
Thanks, Walter. That's handy to know. What age do we currently put Rickert at, then? He had to be early teens during the Golden Age, surely. About 13 (so 16-17 now?) Ish hard to tell in manga sometimes.

I think 16 seems fair for Rickert. Erica is probably 14-15 I'd guess.
Thank you for another great episode!

There's one thing I'd like to ask you to confirm, if you don't mind: regarding the scrolls given to Rickert, in particular the one granting him an audience with Griffith, from what was said in the podcast I took it that the audience was set up in advance, and that the audience was set up specifically for Rickert. Is this so?
m said:
There's one thing I'd like to ask you to confirm, if you don't mind: regarding the scrolls given to Rickert, in particular the one granting him an audience with Griffith, from what was said in the podcast I took it that the audience was set up in advance, and that the audience was set up specifically for Rickert. Is this so?

Indeed it is.
m said:
I'm really curious to learn why Griffith set it up, but I guess it'll probably be clear when their meeting takes place.

Yeah, we'll know for sure soon. But I don't think it's that big of a mystery. For one, Griffith has Sonia foreseeing future events. Also, Griffith did tell Rickert that he could "continue the dream" with him back in 22. He could have just had standing orders for anyone he expected to arrive.
Do you guys think this is the last story arc? Or how many more do you think there will be? I like to think that after the Fantasia arc there will be one more arc to finish the series.