All praise Grail
I've been on the fence about creating a this thread for a while now but I finally gave in do to watching the new Curb your Enthusiasm episode tonight. I do believe this is one of the best and funniest shows on tv and this new season is kind of exploding with star power and irony. The arc for this season is that Larry David, in an attempt to win back his wife Cheryl, decides to bring back together the cast of Seinfeld for a special reunion show. Now in reality, this is the first time Jerry, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, and Michael Richards will appear together on tv again, and even more, on the exact same sets that have been dug up and with many of the same crew, including director Larry Charles (Borat/Bruno). I know not everyone is a Seinfeld fan but it's pretty cool to see them coming together after 11 years of never having any interest in doing a reunion show. And normally they never would, but in the context of Curb's storyline, the Seinfeld reunion will be a reality, but still in a unique way since the actors will be in character playing themselves... playing their Seinfeld characters. Brilliant! It was also funny to see David Spade and Meg Ryan unexpectedly, and my favorite actor christian Slater is i guess going to be in next weeks episode. If your unfamiliar with Curb you should know that all the guest stars play themselves, usually picking on their own celebrity.
Now I'm not really big on watching television, but I do follow some shows. Right now my tv schedule for things i can't miss goes like this,
Sunday- Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
-The Soup (E!)
Thursday- The Office (NBC)
Friday- Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO)
I tried following Entourage this season but it was terrible, worst season yet, went absolutely nowhere. I also tried getting into True Blood, though i missed to many episodes that I'm totally lost in the plot. Any True Blood fans?
Well anyway I'm interested to hear what anyone else is watching. Go ahead and post your weekly programs and lets discuss
EDIT- Forgot to mention that the new South Park season kicks off next wednesday, can't wait
Now I'm not really big on watching television, but I do follow some shows. Right now my tv schedule for things i can't miss goes like this,
Sunday- Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
-The Soup (E!)
Thursday- The Office (NBC)
Friday- Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO)
I tried following Entourage this season but it was terrible, worst season yet, went absolutely nowhere. I also tried getting into True Blood, though i missed to many episodes that I'm totally lost in the plot. Any True Blood fans?
Well anyway I'm interested to hear what anyone else is watching. Go ahead and post your weekly programs and lets discuss

EDIT- Forgot to mention that the new South Park season kicks off next wednesday, can't wait