Game of Thrones TV [spoilers]

Well the plot started in s4 and was relatively following the source material. Then because they liked Oberyn's girlfriend performanced, they decided to centered the Dorne plot around her in s5. By doing that, they skipped most of the important characters from that plot. And then in s6 they ruined it even more at the beginning or end (this part is fuzzy a bit in my memory) of s6.

The sad thing is that they had so many potentiel with that plot if theyd followed it instead of trying to do something cool for the sake of it.

I meant when they actually go to Dorne, which was awful all around, and I guess was in season 5 and why I lay the bulk of the ill will on it. The plot was good in season 4, which made it all the more disappointing in 5 and me glad when they basically sidelined it altogether in 6. Yeah, having Oberyn's consort somehow become essentially the ruler of the country was insane even as it was happening. Best thing show Euron ever did was finish off the Sand Snakes.
I meant when they actually go to Dorne, which was awful all around, and I guess was in season 5 and why I lay the bulk of the ill will on it. The plot was good in season 4, which made it all the more disappointing in 5 and me glad when they basically sidelined it altogether in 6. Yeah, having Oberyn's consort somehow become essentially the ruler of the country was insane even as it was happening. Best thing show Euron ever did was finish off the Sand Snakes.

Why oh why did you have to remind me about Jaime and Bronn going there!! (Thats totally new shit coming out of the showcrappers btw.) So yeh that part was a mess. Euron might suck a lot but he did do us a favor in doing that. Hah

Btw, I've read some of the spoilers for the end (yeah I'm at that point in the series) and without saying anything specific, its laughable. Cant wait to enjoy talking with you guys for these last two ep!
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I second Sopranos.

For got, BotB was my favorite episode of the series and seasons. You guys have nailed the fanstasy failings and broken or worthless character arcs. It's a shame and the series for me is not rewatchable, especially now.
I second Sopranos.

For got, BotB was my favorite episode of the series and seasons. You guys have nailed the fanstasy failings and broken or worthless character arcs. It's a shame and the series for me is not rewatchable, especially now.

To be honest the failures never peevented me from rewatching it (ive watched it at least 10x min) doesnt mean its good though haha

But after this last one, I'll prolly take a loooong break before a rewatch.
You guys should heal your wounds by watching The Wire.

Until they have flashbacks when they meet the new Mayor of Baltimore, or Governor of Maryland, or maybe it's the Vale...


See you in another life, brutha!

Or we could just read this and throw up:
Oh man, I was just thinking of the Wire pretty recently. I have yet to see it. Breaking Bad could heal some wounds too.

As for GOT, the leaks are killing me. I feel like the Oscar producer/director from Naked Gun 33 1/3.
Oh man, I was just thinking of the Wire pretty recently. I have yet to see it. Breaking Bad could heal some wounds too.

I still think Sopranos is the closest superior show with the "family politics." Breaking Bad actually has more in common with the fast GoT seasons, but that's because it's only got half a dozen characters, one setting, and a simple premise suited to fast dramatic action. I remember worrying they were going to rush those final BB seasons because of similar wonky release schedules and episode counts, and indeed it was focused more with an eye toward resolution because that's a natural difference between expanding something and ending it, but goddamn it's like they were navel-gazing compared to this. I think Avengers: Endgame feels longer than this whole season of GoT.

As for GOT, the leaks are killing me. I feel like the Oscar producer/director from Naked Gun 33 1/3

Great reference:
Well I wish you all good luck with tonight's episode. I'll see you guys tomorrow for my before last rambling about that show!
Ahhh, I'll miss this quiet time on the Internet, when everyone else is watching Game of Thrones.
Not gonna waste my time even unpacking why I’m bummed. Absolute worst way to handle the death of every single character who died tonight. Absolutely revolting episode.
Episodes like this are why I feel a compulsion to defend this show, if for nothing else but the sheer spectacle of it all; I was left in awe at the incredible work GoT's production team performed in bringing the action of this episode to life. The star being watching a realistically rendered CGI dragon burn down a massive city (and her citizens) to a pile of ash, whilst simultaneously giving us an on the ground view of the horror inflicted on the peasants.

I'm aware of the wonky writing but ever since I started reading the source material I stopped believing GoT could've ever avoided suffering from the effects of the necessarily truncated seasons; I understand now that some problems stem from D&D and co, while others were already built in to Martin's novels. This is in no way an attempt on my part to delegitimize critiques of the show but more of a simple explanation of why these writing issues no longer bother me.
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Haven't seen episode 5 yet, but I do have it. I just tend to wait until the next day. Oh man...I peeked and holy hell I do not like what I see. I will be ranting BIG time on my YT channel. BOOO.
Ahhh, I'll miss this quiet time on the Internet, when everyone else is watching Game of Thrones.

Lousy as this season, and as uneven the series, has been, it will be interesting to see if this is the end of an era with appointment television. Been hearing that a lot, but we'll see because people have bern chasing this dragon for 70 years. There's an appeal to this as opposed to binging that someone will try to recapture or capitalize on because people still want it.

Not gonna waste my time even unpacking why I’m bummed. Absolute worst way to handle the death of every single character who died tonight. Absolutely revolting episode.
Episodes like this are why I feel a compulsion to defend this show, if for nothing else but the sheer spectacle of it all; I was left in awe at the incredible work GoT's production team performed in bringing the action of this episode to life. The star being watching a realistically rendered CGI dragon burn down a massive city (and her citizens) to a pile of ash, whilst simultaneously giving us an on the ground view of the horror inflicted on the peasants.

I kind of agree with both these statements... The individual story/character moments and deaths were largely contrived, cheesy and unworthy; the Clegane Bowl was like the Internet was writing the show, conversely Jaime vs. Euron no one wanted, and while Cersei was indeed a clueless loser in the end she got off far too light. BUT, the senseless destruction of King's Landing, the Red Keep and WHY is on par with any shocker the series has pulled off, even though they didn't do a particularly good job setting up the turn, it and the incredible fallout couldn't help but be visceral and effecting. They finally killed basically everybody, and it's pretty much the only thing they could do to make up for/validate the Night King's early exit.
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The only thing I could think of is "Not like this, not like this." People are trying to defend it, but come on...Dany has been butchered. So has most people.

Night King should have won it all. Everything sucks. THERE IS NO HOPE. The collective consciousness wants everything to disappear because it's all the same crap.
The only thing I could think of is "Not like this, not like this." People are trying to defend it, but come on...Dany has been butchered. So has most people.

While I agree they did a lousy job and shat all over her character up to this point, just as we predicted, I actually kind of got Dany's anger here; it was just a little too easy for everyone to decide not to fight her NOW given what she'd sacrificed up to that point trying to play nice against their resistance. She had the winning hand all along, everyone shit on her anyway, and she just wasn't there for anyone's unconditional surrender anymore. Its not right, but I get it.

BTW, Jon's basically a war criminal too, and Tyrion a fool that somehow inadvertently masterminded the genecide of his own people (BTW, are the Dothraki breeding, there's more in every episode and especially the preview). Anyway, they've truly ruined everybody except Varys, Arya and Sansa, the only ones that voted against the Iraq War, basically.
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The only thing I could think of is "Not like this, not like this." People are trying to defend it, but come on...Dany has been butchered. So has most people.

Night King should have won it all. Everything sucks. THERE IS NO HOPE. The collective consciousness wants everything to disappear because it's all the same crap.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the man who prides himself on being the Anti-Tolkien; a world where honor/virtue are spit upon, beloved characters have there personal journeys crescendo it tragedy, and the only people left standing when the dust settles are usually despicable.
The way the dominoes were set up, Dany’s heel turn was inevitable. Most of her story during the series has been about her fighting off her madness with a lot of help from her friends/advisers reigning her in as she gains power. Plus, one of the big things that protected her sanity as she dealt with all the shit she went through early on was the idea that once she got to Westeros the locals would greet her as a liberator. I’m just taking a stab in the dark here, but I feel like that belief rarely pans out.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the man who prides himself on being the Anti-Tolkien; a world where honor/virtue are spit upon, beloved characters have there personal journeys crescendo it tragedy, and the only people left standing when the dust settles are usually despicable.

Actually, Tolkein had some pretty dark moments too. Like, in the Silmarrilion and the Lost Tales.

The people could have seen her as a liberator if more smarts were used. :(

Oh, I think Varys was ruined. I firmly believe that.
Actually, Tolkein had some pretty dark moments too. Like, in the Silmarrilion and the Lost Tales.

The people could have seen her as a liberator if more smarts were used. :(

Oh, I think Varys was ruined. I firmly believe that.
I know that the world Tolkien crafted wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but those dark moments in The Lord of the Rings served as gripping challenges that made our main heroes' triumph over evil all that more fulfilling, instead of serving as a way to shock readers.

Being seen as a liberator made sense in Essos, where a large amount of it's culture is built on slavery, but why in Westeros?