Streaming to a Device Near You (Upcoming TV Thread)


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
There's so many TV shows out there and more on the way all the time it's surprising we've gone so long without this (I think we've been stretching the definition of "watching" or "movies" threads =). I'll dispense with the "looking forward to" and "dread" formats since we can just say what looks good or not. First up, a completely perfunctory and ceremonial posting of the Game of Thrones season 7 teaser you've all already seen to christen the thread:

Ok, they're really going to wrap it up in another season and a half and then we can be done with it. Next.

The Orville, a Star Trek parody from Seth MacFarlane and all that entails:

Has potential given the inspiration's unlimited wealth of material to send up, but could also get old very fast if they stick to the same jokes.

Finally, holy shit it's Twin Peaks and only a week away:

I'd also post something for Curb season 9 but no trailer yet. Oh, well there's Larry's cameo in the Last Week Tonight trailer:

I specifically remember Larry saying he was leaning towards not coming back because he'd look too old and weird now, and I think he was right but it works anyway. =)
Griffith said:
The Orville, a Star Trek parody from Seth MacFarlane and all that entails:

Has potential given the inspiration's unlimited wealth of material to send up, but could also get old very fast if they stick to the same jokes.

Not a fan of McFarlane but I did chuckle a few times during the trailer. I share your concern that it might just get old real fast though.
Griffith said:
First up, a completely perfunctory and ceremonial posting of the Game of Thrones season 7 teaser you've all already seen to christen the thread: Ok, they're really going to wrap it up in another season and a half and then we can be done with it. Next.

Are they, though? I admittedly have only followed the TV-fiction side of the story from a distance, but I have a hard time believing they can comfortably bring this sprawling story to a conclusion so quickly.

Finally, holy shit it's Twin Peaks and only a week away:

Yep, I'll be tuning in for that. Wait, that's the wrong verbiage for this thread. Uhhh, I'll be viewing that program at my leisure on my streaming device! In any case, I should look into what I need to do to get a "Showtime" subscription these days.
Griffith said:
Finally, holy shit it's Twin Peaks and only a week away

Really praying for some HD Inland Empire shit here.

And I hope we get to see Evelyn's fate, the real Missing Piece from the show. :iva:
Cannot wait for Twin Peaks. I wonder what it must be like for fans of the show from when it first came out.

Gob and I will be going to a viewing party at a friend's house for it. I'm bringing the donut stacks. :beast:

I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is seeing what secrets have remained secrets, which ones have been brought to light, and even moreso, what new secrets there will be to uncover (or at least speculate about). :griffnotevil: I'm most excited to see what's become of Cooper
and BOB!
Grail said:
Cannot wait for Twin Peaks. I wonder what it must be like for fans of the show from when it first came out.

Gob and I will be going to a viewing party at a friend's house for it. I'm bringing the donut stacks. :beast:

I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is seeing what secrets have remained secrets, which ones have been brought to light, and even moreso, what new secrets there will be to uncover (or at least speculate about). :griffnotevil: I'm most excited to see what's become of Cooper
and BOB!

Annie's "joke" aside, I'm super excited about it too. This series is really something... it's so special, the characters (Audrey Horne :slan:), the city, everything.
I think I must have watched it a bit back in the days as a kid but it's only years later that I rediscovered and became passionate about it.
And that soundtrack... Angelo Badalamenti's music added so much to the series.
Grail said:
Gob and I will be going to a viewing party at a friend's house for it. I'm bringing the donut stacks. :beast:

I'm jealous! It sounds like you two are going to have so much fun!

I hate to parrot everyone else, but I too am looking forward to Twin Peaks. Huge fan of the original. I just need to figure out how to get Showtime.

How awesome is it that so many cast members from the original show are back? I love it.
I'm not the biggest Twin Peaks fan, I think I appreciate it more than I actually enjoyed watching some of the more meandering episodes in season 2 (especially after how downright incredible some other episodes are, like the pilot, which stands up as well as any of Lynch's films) but I'll admit there's no way I can not tune in for the new season. Which reminds me, has anyone that's seen The Missing Pieces, that movie long feature of deleted scenes from the last bluray release, shed some insight on to how essential it is and where it fits in between the show and movie? I never watched it because I think it ended up not being what I originally thought it was. But I can't even remember.

As far as GoT goes, it definitely seems like it'll be wrapping up in these last two seasons and I for one am excited because I think the shortened season will cut out the filler and help the story stick to the action and what's important. Plus I'm guessing that means they can spend more money on the things that need it. If this was two years ago, I probably wouldn't care as much, but seeing as how last season got the series back on track as far as I'm concerned, with some truly outstanding episodes and developments, I'm back to being invested in the show.

And of course I'm very happy about one more season of Curb. Honestly I think it's the best comedy of it's time. It's what the The Larry Sanders Show was in the early 90's. I rewatched the whole thing last year on my own, and now I'm rewatching it again because my girlfriend hasn't seen it and it's just as great. Doesn't get old. I think Larry has one more great season in him. Yea, he's getting older, but he was always old. What, is he going to get even more cranky? The show will still work, I'm not worried.

For anyone wondering how to watch all these new shows across all these networks, this seems like a good chance to plug what I've been using to watch all my tv and movie needs since Christmas, the increasingly popular Amazon firestick (with the right apps, of course). While I was initially not satisfied because of some issues here and there (occasional bad quality, mislabeled episodes, missing episodes) I do find myself always going back to it because, well, the convenience of having just about everything at my fingertips at any given time is too great. Sometimes older shows can be a bit spotty, but for newer stuff that's just airing it's great.
Oburi said:
I'm not the biggest Twin Peaks fan, I think I appreciate it more than I actually enjoyed watching some of the more meandering episodes in season 2 (especially after how downright incredible some other episodes are, like the pilot, which stands up as well as any of Lynch's films)

I think it's pretty common knowledge that Lynch had very little to do with Season 2, aside from the finale. As I recall, the co-creator Mark Frost was at the helm. On top of that, it always seemed to me that the predictable, formulaic plots of Season 2 were the result of network pressure to make the show "less weird." In my head this is also why Lynch left. So the "REAL" Twin Peaks is Season 1, then turn off your brain and laugh until the finale, which is fantastic.

With expectations properly adjusted, I found most of the absolutely stupid second-season plots to be lovably lame. I watched them with friends at the time, and we were all raised on MST3K, so we had a blast with them. Even inside the otherwise lackluster second season, I thought they were still able to do some improbable/wacky things you wouldn't see anywhere else on prime time in the '90s. My favorite being when James
rode out of town on his motorcycle, and apparently crossed a dimensional threshold to end up in a totally different TV show (this time a soap opera) completely unrelated to Twin Peaks.
I loved that shit :ubik: Also, how can you say no to Leo's new shoes? Transvestite David Duchovny? Come onnnn, that's good TV!

For anyone wondering how to watch all these new shows across all these networks, this seems like a good chance to plug what I've been using to watch all my tv and movie needs since Christmas, the increasingly popular Amazon firestick (with the right apps, of course). While I was initially not satisfied because of some issues here and there (occasional bad quality, mislabeled episodes, missing episodes) I do find myself always going back to it because, well, the convenience of having just about everything at my fingertips at any given time is too great. Sometimes older shows can be a bit spotty, but for newer stuff that's just airing it's great.

I've had a Roku for about 5 years now and love it. $50 investment for the device, and speedy reliable (paid subscription) access to all the major networks.
Great posts, Oburi and Walter! I agree with you two. Twin Peaks does peter off after Laura's killer is revealed. (According to the show's Wikipedia page, that was due to the network throwing a wrench in their machine which is sad if true.) In my opinion, up until that point the show is second to none.
Aazealh said:
Not a fan of McFarlane but I did chuckle a few times during the trailer. I share your concern that it might just get old real fast though.

Yeah, his live action work was always suspect and there's not much to say for him at all lately, so we'll see. I like the concept, hopefully they can pull it off and sustain it. I'll be pretty disappointed if it's a bunch of generic jokes about him and his ex-wife that have nothing to do with the setting otherwise.

Walter said:
Are they, though? I admittedly have only followed the TV-fiction side of the story from a distance, but I have a hard time believing they can comfortably bring this sprawling story to a conclusion so quickly.

Last season when they really started running out of book material and started adapting based on whatever George RR Martin wrote on a hotel bar napkin for them it really picked up the pace. :carcus: I still would prefer they do two more proper seasons to match the, ahem, deliberate pacing of the rest of the series. I mean, the walkers still haven't even been seen in the North yet! So, after 60 episodes of teasing them, they're going to do whatever they were going to all this time in some part of 13 episodes, along with everything else that's actually been center stage all this time? Not promising unless it's going to be wall-to-wall action; not necessarily fighting, but dramatic shit galore. I guess the best case scenario is the last season of Breaking Bad? Kind of a similar result, except here the showrunners got tired of putting it on rather than the network, because HBO would run it in perpetuity (and is already looking to find a way =)

Oburi said:
As far as GoT goes, it definitely seems like it'll be wrapping up in these last two seasons and I for one am excited because I think the shortened season will cut out the filler and help the story stick to the action and what's important. Plus I'm guessing that means they can spend more money on the things that need it. If this was two years ago, I probably wouldn't care as much, but seeing as how last season got the series back on track as far as I'm concerned, with some truly outstanding episodes and developments, I'm back to being invested in the show.

Season 4 was the best and most substantive season of TV they've done and likely will do, from every aspect, start to finish. 5 was awful except for the last half of Hardhome and the finale, and last season was alright, entertaining and all, definitely a comeback year, but it's basically just a live-action cartoon at this point, and I can only expect even more of the same in the last 13 episodes. I mean, it's great to think it'll be all killer and no filler, but that's not what the first 4 seasons were about (and set up a lot of stuff they're likely just abandoning, or just was never important it turns out), so it's going to imbalance the story and be a bit of a letdown that they're not going to just use those extra 7 hours to flesh it out and tell a better, more complete conclusion when they're this close. The only hurry at this point is these guys are probably exhausted after doing a production of this expense and scale, going on 70 hours worth, for seven years straight now. I don't completely blame them, but it would be like if Miura announced tomorrow there's only two volumes left of Berserk after this, with everything he's still got going on (and the rest of it taking up 40). They're definitely not going to get to all of it, and I have my doubts what they will get to will feel earned and wholly satisfying. You can't take forever, pacing-wise, with the first 85% of the story (seasons 2 & 3 are alright, but interminable =) and then give the payoff short shrift, it's the worst of both worlds. But hey, maybe they wrote exactly how much they needed to setup and execute that perfect ending, whether that wound up being 7, 18, or 23 more episodes. Color me skeptical, though.

Oburi said:
And of course I'm very happy about one more season of Curb. Honestly I think it's the best comedy of it's time. It's what the The Larry Sanders Show was in the early 90's. I rewatched the whole thing last year on my own, and now I'm rewatching it again because my girlfriend hasn't seen it and it's just as great. Doesn't get old. I think Larry has one more great season in him. Yea, he's getting older, but he was always old. What, is he going to get even more cranky? The show will still work, I'm not worried.

I hope so, I recently watched it again start to finish with my wife and can only hope he's just getting weirder with age. Season 8 was one of the best and a great sendoff, so hopefully this is worth the return and not one of those bad idea comebacks after you've lost your mojo. Part of me thinks Larry could write these stories forever (it's been 3 decades), but you never know, there's some "magic" to it too, and it would be painful to see him going through the same motions and it just not working anymore. Still, that's a worst case scenario in the back of my mind, until proven otherwise I'm expecting what we've seen from him in the past.

Oburi said:
For anyone wondering how to watch all these new shows across all these networks, this seems like a good chance to plug what I've been using to watch all my tv and movie needs since Christmas, the increasingly popular Amazon firestick (with the right apps, of course). While I was initially not satisfied because of some issues here and there (occasional bad quality, mislabeled episodes, missing episodes) I do find myself always going back to it because, well, the convenience of having just about everything at my fingertips at any given time is too great. Sometimes older shows can be a bit spotty, but for newer stuff that's just airing it's great.

You know, I actually got the firestick when it was super cheap a couple years ago but had some connection issues after moving and kind of just gave up on it. I should plug that sucker back in and see what it can do for me now.
Salem said:
Bruh...Count me in. Strangely, this Castlevania animation looks a little better than a certain series most recent adaption. :troll:

Animation looks good. I'm down. Seems like Dracula's Curse will be the setting. I wonder what elements they'll incorporate into the show. I'd really like to hear a few of the original tracks slipped into the music, especially "The Beginning".
Salem said:
Bruh...Count me in. Strangely, this Castlevania animation looks a little better than a certain series most recent adaption. :troll:

Haha yeah I saw the trailer yesterday, and why not? I'm down. The narration and all reminded me of Lords of Shadow's trailer, which isn't a bad thing considering it was by far the best thing about the game. However I hope the anime is closer to the roots of the series.

Delta Phi said:
Animation looks good. I'm down. Seems like Dracula's Curse will be the setting. I wonder what elements they'll incorporate into the show. I'd really like to hear a few of the original tracks slipped into the music, especially "The Beginning".

We better get some classic tracks from the games! :azan: (And yeah it looks like CV3)
Game of Thrones Season 7: Official Trailer

Lookin' good. Still not enough White Walkers for my tastes though; I'm guessing this season will be the unavoidable war between the human factions and in season 8 whoever's left will finally turn their attentions to the real threat (so Danny, Tyrion, and Jon Snow riding dragons). Then once it's eliminated we'll see who gets in the final back stab or which unlikely survivor ends up in charge.


Hmmm... I very much dislike live action based on animation but I think Cowboy Bebop is grounded enough that it could work. Maybe.
I think it's time to blow this thing. Get everybody and their stuff together. Alright, 3, 2, 1 let's jam.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Beaten to the punch...

Anyway, what is going on? I know we can and seemingly need to produce everything in our vortex of endless content demand, but do we really need to try every bad idea even Hollywood was smart enough not to go through with? Live action Akira is all but inevitable now, and seemingly nothing is safe.

I just heard the crappy Simpsons comics I drew as a kid have already been greenlight by Crackle, they acquired the rights from my parents behind my back but are bringing me on as a consultant so I can explain why part is 20 feet tall in this or that scene.
Griff where is your live-action Cowboy Bebop parody poster? I couldn't find it anywhere :judo:

Griffith said:
Anyway, what is going on? I know we can and seemingly need to produce everything in our vortex of endless content demand, but do we really need to try every bad idea even Hollywood was smart enough not to go through with? Live action Akira is all but inevitable now, and seemingly nothing is safe.

In the wake of this news, Aaz and I have already been joking this morning about Akira the live-action Netflix series :ganishka:

I've got a really simple solution that would please everybody: Release the original versions of these shows on Netflix and walk away. They just did that with Evangelion, and that's fine with me. I really don't need to see Stephen Dorff as Spike Spiegel.
Walter said:
Griff where is your live-action Cowboy Bebop parody poster? I couldn't find it anywhere :judo:
Walter said:
I really don't need to see Stephen Dorff as Spike Spiegel.

You're clearly thinking of this, which I recall first seeing on a somethingawful Photoshop Phriday or the like:


But yeah, the seemingly limitless ability of producers to now make anything for the screen has reached true Ian Malcolm territory:

Tabris said:
I wish I could deny myself the pessimism I have towards this but I can't help it.

Maybe it'll be a surprise, who knows.

I'm not really optimistic about it but at least Cowboy Bebop has a futuristic sci-fi setting, which works better in live action than a fantasy one IMO. There are hundreds of ways it could fall apart though and I don't think it can improve on the original in any way.