Your plans for the future


Berserk forever
I've been working on several awfully boring projects these days. To change my mind I felt like asking you guys what are your big plans for the future at the moment.

Personally my concern is to have a house with an in-door swimming pool. Consequently I should build up my career to meet the financial requirements. I'm not interested in journeying too much. I'd rather focus on getting everything I want at home right now. I can understand Michael Jackson in this regard. :badbone: Then, of course, we'll have a display room filled with only Berserk stuff. I also need a room to serve as my office. I'd probably like to have garden parties, inviting people and so on.

Thinking about it I get cheerful, but I should get back to work anyway. :judo:
A great thread idea.

Well, my wife and I will be moving within the next two years, so I suppose one of my long-term goals is to find a new place to live. More specifically, we need to decide WHERE in the U.S. (or elsewhere) we should settle down and ultimately raise kids. I also have to make a difficult decision in the near future -- whether to abandon my short-lived career as a journalist. The writing is on the wall for the future of this industry, and I don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

If only I could be legitimately paid to chronicle Berserk and administrate the forum ... :sad:

Short-term goals include updating the Berserk Encyclopedia :void:

Also, Puella. When I lived in Florida, we had a house with a pool attached, and we only used it maybe 1 week out of the year. They're very overrated. At our current apartment, we have one within about 400 feet of us, and we haven't used it once. I guess we're just spoiled :???:
In the immediate future? Get a new job, since I despise my current one (so hectic). Also, I plan to pass my driving tests.

Far into the future - go to Canada, heck travel the world in general, but Canada is my dream location to go.
Walter said:
More specifically, we need to decide WHERE in the U.S. (or elsewhere) we should settle down and ultimately raise kids.

How 'bout the house next to mine? Then you could order baguettes everyday! :troll:

Walter said:
If only I could be legitimately paid to chronicle Berserk and administrate the forum ... :sad:

Sounds like we got the same career objectives. :troll:
Re: Your plans for the future

Spawn offspring!

But right now, deciding whether to continue my education at UCLA, CSUCI, or UC Santa Cruz.

Aazealh said:
Sounds like we got the same career objectives. :troll:

Me three. If only we could get paid to do Wayne's World for living... =)
Short term:

Get my first and second degree black belts within the next 2-3 years. That should give me plenty of experience (as well as personal confidence and skill) to possibly open my own studio. I'm still kinda taking the situation as it goes, so it's still pretty vague.

Get more experience at my currrent workplace; the engine component I'm working on (EGR coolers for diesel engines) have a long future in the industry, especially as the EPA brings even more strict emission requirements. The more knowledge I gain now, the more it will benefit me down the road.

Finding a place to share with some friends so we can split the rent, but even this plan might fall through since one of them is sorta on the fence. This is more of an optional one, I guess

Getting a new car; my mustang already has more than 100K miles on it, and I can just see the maintenance bills coming in. :judo:

Long term:

Get a decent home, most likely in the suburbs somewhere. Not planning on getting married, so I'll (hopefully) have plenty of space for all my junk.

Another thing is to just get out the automotive industry. Now, looking at one of my short term goals above that may seem counterintuitive, but actually my field is mostly related to heat transer between dynamic fluids and material properties, and I can imagine many places not related to automotive stuff that may be impressed enough by my resume.

Get a Masters degree. This is probably optional, depending on how my job situation goes.
Win the lottery. Although i never play.

Yes, my life is all about having impossible expectations. But, weird shit tends to happen to me. More than usual. Like really weird "one in a million" sort of stuff. So it's all fun. I'm just waiting for the next curve ball.
I'm currently involved in a typical University BFA. By 'typical' I mean the professors believe that knowing how to use the tools of art (theory, brushes, pigment, mark-making tools, etc) is an 'impediment' to self-expression. For the main assignment of last year, I was told to 'draw how you /feel/ about a tree'. Which is well and good, but I'm not here to have my creativity co-opted and extinguised by dogma. I have my own creativity - what I want to learn are the skills to express it. I believe that knowing how to use the tools of ones trade is a means to self-expression, not a wall.

That said, my goal is to get enough money together (looking at over $6k just for the classes, but well worth it) to go here:

Specifically, the Classical Atilier taught by Juliette Aristides, who believes, as I do, that:

"I have a simple belief that the goal of learning to draw and paint is attainable by anyone who is willing to pursue it. It is as accessible as learning to write or play a musical instrument. Not everyone, however, has the desire and discipline to learn traditional drawing and painting skills--and these skills are not offered to the average student. Students should be given the tools to fully express all they see and feel.

These days, beginning artists have been told that the tools themselves inhibit one's uniqueness or self-expression. I believe that they enable one to fully express their vision without being hampered by a lack of education. Traditional skills are necessary for developing a foundation for the artist to work from. Craftsmanship is the foundation of self-expression, not the lack of it."
Well, I just got an office job (unfortunately), in a call center (fffffffffffffffffffuck!), but with the money earned, I will put it into savings.

it's okay though, i'm only going to be there for a year. You see, I will be applying to the JET Program in September, and in a year I'll be in Japan!
And with the money earned there, plus the earnings of this year, i will finance my first film.

you'll know when this happens cause i'll be on all the covers of the magazines with my magnificent hair. :ganishka:
Awesome, I've always wanted to go to Japan. Unfortunately in my university only Engineering students have a program to go to Japan.

My plans for now are to finish whatever I've got to do with my academic studies, it's about time since I've lost 4 years and I should be ending my studies instead of going to my 2nd year, and I also want to learn how to play guitar.
After that I'll start working :judo: and decide on what Masters I'll take (probably Translation).
I'd like to write a book based on other people's life experiences and another one based on a series of dreams that a friend of mine had.
I don't like to think more ahead because it depresses me (marriage, kids, omg no! I'm getting old!). :troll:
Currently on the baby making process. Besides that, just trying to survive the everyday life wh00t!
As for future. I have my heart set on stability more than anything else. Can't ask for more really, living the american dream, blond wife, white fences and off course... the Lab.

Long terms goals, I'd say being able to take courses to being able to learn how to write music. My own little personal passion, regardless of the outcome. It will only be a side thing.

Walter said:
Well, my wife and I will be moving within the next two years, so I suppose one of my long-term goals is to find a new place to live. More specifically, we need to decide WHERE in the U.S. (or elsewhere) we should settle down and ultimately raise kids. I also have to make a difficult decision in the near future -- whether to abandon my short-lived career as a journalist. The writing is on the wall for the future of this industry, and I don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Pending on who the bread bringer is in your case... I'd say you'll move where the work is right? Anywho, as for your journalism ordeal. Have you considered free-lancing aside from your regular job to be? I only bring it up because a few of my friends were on the same boat, and being their passion... they at least keep tabs with it making some extra mula on the side. Chicago Tribune is notorious for that. No contracts and no obligation.
The Perineum Falcon said:
you'll know when this happens cause i'll be on all the covers of the magazines with my magnificent hair. :ganishka:

Great, look forward to me asking you to ship me YAs for free every other week! You're the best friend ever man! Thanks!

PS: When can you start translating episodes?

Nomad said:
Currently on the baby making process. Besides that, just trying to survive the everyday life wh00t!
As for future. I have my heart set on stability more than anything else. Can't ask for more really, living the american dream, blond wife, white fences and off course... the Lab.

Got that SUV yet? :troll:
Oburi said:
THis thread depresses me... I have no future....
Don't be depressed. Many people live like you. Your plans don't even have to be big. Looking forward to a game or book can work as well.

Anyway, I'd also like to know about more unlikely wishes you may have. An example of mine would be:
1) To see blue butterflies by chance.

There are many ways to see those: they can be found on specific hills in Europe, in South-America or simply in the region of the Amazon where there are tons of beautiful and rare butterflies, including blue ones. But there's none around where I live!
2) To meet Miura by chance.

I often imagine I run into Miura in Paris or in another place in Europe. I think he visits Europe often, which means there could be a chance. But if I noticed him in the street, what would I tell him? I'm thinking about the lines in Japanese these days. :carcus:

Nothing too unrealistic, right?
I don't have any plans pertaining to success or living conditions. However, the two big things I'd like to do are:
  • Finishing at least one graphic novel that I can be proud of (on page two lol)
  • Finishing several more musical projects that span different genres, and obtain no commercial success, but rather respect from fellow musicians.
When I'm done with those two things, I think I'd like to teach art to kids, maybe highschool art.
My short term goal is to find a better paying job, that's closer to my house, and involves easier work.(Yeah, that's gonna happen :troll:)
For long term, I want to figure out what I actually want to do with my future and do the required work to get there. I also want to find an interesting girl with similar interests that I actually have the guts to talk to without being awkward.

More attainable and realistic goals include saving money to buy a new 1080p tv, saving for a PS3, beating MGS4 by visiting my friend's house for a few hours each day until I get a PS3, reread Berserk enough to be able to take part in conversations here without having to have every other sentence corrected, and finish Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and many other anime/manga series.
Well I honestly don't have any plans for the future yet. I do plan on getting my learners so I can drive and maybe even saving up to buy a decent used car. :slan:
Unlikely goals:

1) Getting my Masters rank in Tang Soo Do - Unlikely, sure, and takes a long, loooong time. But I figured it's a worthwhile goal.

2) Retire before the age of 60 - My dad did it, so can I! :troll: :daiba:

3) Learn Chinse/Korean/Russian/Arabic (Farsi maybe, I don't know?) - Learn new languages, just because I'm just fascinated by them.

4) Create my own novel - I'm got tons of ideas swirling around in my head, I just don't have the time to sit down and write them all up. :sad:

I have many more, but I gotta go to work. :schnoz:
Hmmm... interesting thread, I likey!

  • Graduate college and get a very good mediocre paying job.
  • Doing every extremely life-endangering activity I can stomach before I get too old and out of shape... mainly sky-diving, bungee-jumping, maybe some hardcore spelunking, visiting some really off-the-map locations worldwide, and getting married... for example.
  • Get a house and a cartoonishly huge dog..
  • Writing a book or (preferably) creating my own comic... in my off-time. I really feel like I have an amazing story to tell inside of me. Too bad Miura stole a lot of my good ideas!

Ultimately, to be at peace and have no regrets with what I've done with my life. So far so good!
I'd like to see the northern lights. I once was at the right place but it was cloudy for as long as I was there and I got to see nothing.
Gaah such a nice thread!
My plans for the future are:
Decide what I want to do with my life! GAH :???:
Find a good job and decide what I want to study, arts and crafts, language or what..
Move to Gothenburg..
Completed my qualification so I can do volunteer work in Dominican Republic..

yota821 said:
3) Learn Chinse/Korean/Russian/Arabic (Farsi maybe, I don't know?) - Learn new languages, just because I'm just fascinated by them.

Aww, that's awesome! GO for it and Good luck with that! :D