Dark Souls III

So excited for Dark souls 3. Souls is one of my favourite series, from demons souls to dark souls, and bloodborne of course. Dark souls actually introduced me to Berserk, Artorias was such a memorable fight for me.
I'm gearing up for the release in a couple weeks. From what little I've seen, it really feels like Dark Souls 1, and that I'm very excited about.
Just started playing this today, I'm really enjoying it so far. It definitely feels more like Demon's Souls/DS1 than Dark Souls 2 did. Now I have to think about this game for the next 8 hours while I'm at work. :sad:
N7Paladin said:
Just started playing this today, I'm really enjoying it so far. It definitely feels more like Demon's Souls/DS1 than Dark Souls 2 did. Now I have to think about this game for the next 8 hours while I'm at work. :sad:

Good to hear. I'm excited for the NA release. Thankfully I have a couple other games to keep me occupied until then.
Pretty decent reviews so far. Happy to see no review embargo for this.

Humor centric Dark Souls 3 video review. I hadn't spoiled anything about the game for myself, and after watching this still don't think I have spoiled anything. Your mileage may vary.

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm6BPWZd8WU
I played Dark Souls some times, but never really got into it. Then, after Berserk being part of my life, I gave Dark Souls a true chance, simply because of Artorias. Now DS is forever in my heart, seriously, the III will definitively be the best game for me this year, maybe even the next or who knows how many, I'm trusting Miyazaki a lot.
If anyone wants to play I will be on tonight from like 10pm EST till whenever. PSN mufasa_315 my guts build is coming along nicely. Hit me up for some jolly cooperation! If not tonight add me and if you see me on and want to play or need my help get ahold of me! :guts:
I added you awhile ago. We should meet up in game! I've been slogging along, so I'm not very far. I always play these games extra cautiously on the first run. Not to mention I'm splitting my time up between Paragon, the Doom beta, and family life. But that game has been fantastic so far!
finished my first play through, fantastic game so far, i missed so much though, so many covenants, weapons, and quest lines, 2nd play through gonna be much more interesting
Loving the game so far. It definitely has the feeling of the first Dark Souls, and I'm glad for that.

I'm far into the game and I've yet to use a shield once (thanks, Bloodborne). Anyone else playing it like that?
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Delta Phi said:
I added you awhile ago. We should meet up in game! I've been slogging along, so I'm not very far. I always play these games extra cautiously on the first run. Not to mention I'm splitting my time up between Paragon, the Doom beta, and family life. But that game has been fantastic so far!

Yeah we definitely will meet up on line. what's your psn again, Just so I know what to look for. but id love to link up! how is paragon? I have seen a lot about it but don't know much.
Lawliet said:
Loving the game so far. It definitely has the feeling of the first Dark Souls, and I'm glad for that.

I'm far into the game and I've yet to use a shield once (thanks, Bloodborne). Anyone else playing it like that?

BTW if anyone's playing this on PS4, feel free to add me (Lawliet567).

I will add you. I playing a guts build right now so no shield for me too!
GiantSword Mufasa said:
Yeah we definitely will meet up on line. what's your psn again, Just so I know what to look for. but id love to link up! how is paragon? I have seen a lot about it but don't know much.

PSN is SovietBear359.

I'm really enjoying Paragon at the moment. It's still technically in alpha, but it's solid so far and graphically looks fantastic. I've never played a MOBA before (and haven't been interested), but Paragon is a pretty different take.

Lawliet said:
I'm far into the game and I've yet to use a shield once (thanks, Bloodborne). Anyone else playing it like that?

I played SotFS leading up to DkS3 and just couldn't bring myself to use shields no matter what. I even at one point had a shield equipped but never raised it. I like to do a bit of light RP when I play these games and my first character is always a sword and board paladin, so I've forced myself to get back into using a shield in DkS3. I think not knowing anything about the game has helped me transition back to being defensive since I'm being overly cautious as I progress.
I've logged about 10 hours into my first playthrough, they really nailed the level design in this one. Playing on PS4 my PSN is Sprinter24 if anyone wants to add me for some online play.
Well, I'm concurrently playing DS1 and 2 now preparing for this (and saving myself $60 in the meantime =). It'll be interesting to see how the style I've evolved towards translates considering what I'm hearing. I really got started with DS2 as a dual wielding swordsman, which sucked but is advantageous now that I'm more open to shields and spells (though I think I prefer melee ultimately). I heard poise was wrecked in this game, is that (still) true or was it patched? I don't have much poise in DS2 but I'm using it to great effect in 1 to basically run right through most regular enemies.

Update: http://kotaku.com/from-software-says-dark-souls-3s-seemingly-useless-pois-1776079738

I guess it hasn't been patched. Time to start practicing my quick rolls again.
The Souls games have all been pretty buggy on release. Dark Souls 3 has its fair share of weird bugs and glitches, the game should definitely improve over time.

For anyone who remembers his DS1 Havel video, OnlyAfro made another for DS3.


He is showing himself in full Havels getting stunlocked by straight swords. The poise is hilariously broken.
Apparently Namco has stated that poise isn't broken either. Some people have speculated there was more of a focus on hyper armor this time around and poise was adjusted accordingly. Either way, this is probably one of the reasons this game frustrates me more than the others (I still haven't finished, and not for a lack of trying).
So I've put about 30 hours or so into this game so far and I'm really enjoying it but I must say I actually think this is the easiest of the three so far. Does anyone else get that feeling? A friend of mine is also playing it along with me and he's having trouble and slowing way down but to me, i don't know, I seem to be breezing right through, compared to the others. Maybe it just seems that way because I only finished playing the DS2 DLC a few months back, which amped up the difficulty on the game so maybe that's still fresh in my head? I don't know. Other than a few moments here and there, and 2 boss fights in particular, I haven't had anything really slow me down much. Also, I'm worried that this game is significantly shorter than the others? I'd be disappointed to know that I'm more than halfway done. Currently,
I just defeated the Pontiff Sulyvahn and cleared the Irithyll Valley, then I went into the dungeons and did a good amount of that before dying.
I also prefer to do boss fights by myself, without summoning other players. I feel it makes fights a cake walk if there's two of you. I get much more satisfaction doing it by myself.
I haven't played it yet, but it could be that you're just so used to these "Souls" types of games that you've already mastered the basic element of survivability in them. That's honestly the toughest part of the learning curve for these things, I think -- learning how to cope.
Walter said:
I haven't played it yet, but it could be that you're just so used to these "Souls" types of games that you've already mastered the basic element of survivability in them. That's honestly the toughest part of the learning curve for these things, I think -- learning how to cope.

That's what I'm thinking. My buddy isn't all that experienced in the Souls series. So I guess it makes sense that he's sturggling and I'm having no problem.
Apparently the first DLC is coming up in September, any ideas to what it might be? Gertrude, maybe visiting some lost land like Astora etc?