I'm personally onboard with the idea that all the Godhand we see here are ascending or have ascended to Godhand status at the same time.
I'm still conflicted, I kind of want them to have already existed to add more unknown history to the group, and because it would feel cheap if these guys sort of literally and figuratively came an went, but then as some say it's a bit of a zero sum game where otherwise they'd kind of make the current God Hand seem like merely the latest rather than the chosen ones, and if you're choosing you want the actual active villains to get the enhanced reputation than vice versa. In the case of Void, I think any scenario is cool, whether he was there from the beginning, pre-existing the rest or not, or was new, but in any case managed to be the sole survivor that lead them back to this point, it all only adds to his legend.
BTW, we should also note this is the first time it's been confirmed, technically not true but suggested or implied isn't strong enough, God Hand truly can and have been killed before, and at least Void, but presumably the rest and figures like Zodd, know it (thus the need for Apostles to protect and project their influence). Not only is Guts' goal no longer seemingly impossible, but has achieved precedent. So, in any case the God Hand have been revealed to be more vulnerable than previously known.
One topic I haven't seen too many people talking about is when the typically red eyes of the Berserker armor went dark or "turned off" so to speak. This happened at the exact moment Gaiseric dies during the flash back and Guts is then only brought back by Schierke. Could it be that the armor showing Guts Gaiseric's death also in a way made Guts experience the death for himself?
Yeah, I thought the same thing; did Guts just experience death through Skully?
Another interesting thing to look out for is Schierke seemingly experienced the memory at the end, and "touched" Gaiseric, as well. So, she may have questions or insights to add.
Yeah, let's not even start on how we now know that Gaiseric died 1000+ years ago in the berserker armor, yet 300 year-old Zodd immediately recognizes it as his old armor.
We don't precisely know that Zodd is only 300, though that's a number he's citedfor his journey killing, and how far back his reputation precedes him in Midland according to the old Falcons (maybe that was just 100). Anyway, he could have just learned, or surmised, this second hand. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn he's older, even if it's technically a retcon (it wouldn't be the first thing to evolve differently than it began from the Golden Age Arc).
That's an interesting idea, but I'm not so sure the last vision of him holding the woman was the exact moment he died, unless his heart gave out, or something.
He bled to death because of the armor; note the streams of blood increasingly filling his vision as he sees, presumably, his woman and his city die. It would also be weird if they said "here's when he died," the armor simulated a state of death, or deactivation in its case, but it was only a coincidence the armor went into sleep mode then.
The timeline of those visions is a bit confusing, but I don't think they necessarily happened in the same exact order Guts sees them in.
I think the order is correct, but we're clearly missing something in-between; whether that represents a major time skip between two separate events or most simply a transition between whatever ceremony was taking place and the aftermath, much like the first Beherit ceremony we witness with the Count. For example, perhaps Void was reborn at the tower of Albion, struck out at Gaiseric, Gaiseric responds with the armor, but Void initiates the mother of all advent ceremonies to bring the initial God Hand and Apostles into existence, Gaiseric and his allies kill most of them in the ensuing battle and drive the remaining away, but he succumbs to his injuries.