Movies to dread

Griffith said:
That's all wonderful guys, it's still the third best Alien movie though, but hey, the more they make, the more impressive that number becomes!

I see the Alien franchise as a trilogy. It's my favourite one in all movie history (on par with Inagaki's Samurai trilogy).
Most trilogies lack a good 3rd film, The Godfather, MadMax, LOTR, Rush Hour (:troll:), etc... but Alien 3 was just perfect for me.
Needless to say, other than your personal appreciation of the film, I find all that to be a stretch. Anyway, you're trying to convince the wrong David here.

Now can we talk about the underrated Predator 2? =)
NightCrawler said:
Most trilogies lack a good 3rd film, The Godfather, MadMax, LOTR, Rush Hour (:troll:), etc... but Alien 3 was just perfect for me.


Griffith said:
Now can we talk about the underrated Predator 2? =)

I like it, all the stuff related to the predators was nicely done there.
NightCrawler said:
(on par with Inagaki's Samurai trilogy).

BTW, why don't you have a room reserved at the Vagabond Inn?

njashi9 said:
I like it, all the stuff related to the predators was nicely done there.

Agreed, and it's surprisingly entertaining... futuristic 1997 guns, crazy dreadlocked drug lords, and Gary Busey, oh my. =)
NightCrawler said:
What about Alien 3? It had problems, mainly because of studio interference, but i still think it's highly underrated.

It disappointed me. I don't like it much to be honest, though there are some goods parts in it. Regardless, like Griff said, it remains the third best Alien flick, and compared to Alien 4 it's almost a masterpiece.

NightCrawler said:
AVP is and always will be a stupid concept that only works in comics or games. Too many alien characters is never a good idea, IMO.

Your opinion sucks, IMO. :serpico: It's a great concept. And if you disapprove of multiple aliens in a movie then I suspect that you secretly dislike Aliens... Heretic! :mozgus:

A.C said:
"He's on safari. The lions, the tigers, the bears... oh, my!"

Gary Busey is the best part of Predator 2 :guts:

Are you kidding me? Bill Paxton man. :badbone:
"There's your killer. Wonderful isn't it? Pheromone signatures left by his body. These are scent molecules."

Peter Keyes is the best character. Predator 2 struck a power chord in my heart when I first saw it on TV one night when I was thirteen. Only a few years later did I catch the first Predator (and of course that movie was superior) but I will always have fond memories of Predator 2.

As for Alien... The same thing happened, I watched Aliens before the original Alien and I loved it. But over time I have come to appreciate the first Alien as the only genuine Alien movie. Aliens and Alien 3 are not bad but the first Alien creature - what I consider to be the most magnificent movie monster of all time - was reduced to merely a bug in the sequel. Alien 3 tried to regain some of it's dignity but it's been all downhill from there.
A.C said:
"There's your killer. Wonderful isn't it? Pheromone signatures left by his body. These are scent molecules."

Peter Keyes is the best character.

Nuh-uh, he's got nothing on the Lone Ranger. :carcus:
Check it out.

:carcus: to dread right?
Th3Branded0ne said: Friday the Thirteen Friday 13th '09 A remake of the original.

Finally something for me to hate, One of the main reasons me & remakes never see eye to eye -_- They always try to make the original look like shite.
Skullgrin140 said:
Finally something for me to hate, One of the main reasons me & remakes never see eye to eye -_- They always try to make the original look like shite.

The original is shit.
Ramen4ever said:

Another project that's been in the works for a while. And just from that article I already know they'll fuck it up.
Aazealh said:
Another project that's been in the works for a while. And just from that article I already know they'll fuck it up.

I came to the same conclusion after I heard it was going to be a summer movie. Nothing good has ever come out during the summer.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I came to the same conclusion after I heard it was going to be a summer movie. Nothing good has ever come out during the summer.

Forrest Gump is the only summer movie to have won an Oscar.
The clip was choppy for me. I don't know what to make of it. But considering what it's about, I think it's better off in this thread.
Edit: It's G.I. Joe.
Aazealh said:
Are you kidding me? Bill Paxton man. :badbone:

I know this quote maybe a bit dated but Bill Paxton is the only person I know to be killed by Alien, The Predator, and The Terminator. Thats quite the accomplishment! :guts:

Also i was going to mention Dragonball the movie but its good to know that it was mentioned on the first page! Also what about the proposed remake of the Predator with Mike Cena!? :ganishka:
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
I know this quote maybe a bit dated but Bill Paxton is the only person I know to be killed by Alien, The Predator, and The Terminator. Thats quite the accomplishment! :guts:

Also i was going to mention Dragonball the movie but its good to know that it was mentioned on the first page! Also what about the proposed remake of the Predator with Mike Cena!? :ganishka:

Also already mentioned
Ramen4ever said:
Crank 2: High Voltage (2009)

..what a piece of shit.
Hahaha, can't wait! Crank 1 was hilariously entertaining in the worst possible way.
NightCrawler said:
Inglorious Basturds looks like it sounds.
The casting of Pitt made me nervous from the start. Something about his voice in this makes my eyebrows scrunch.
And Eli Roth...might as well throw Robert Rodriguez in there as well.

Yes, I'm curious and I know deep down you nay-sayers are as well. But I will admit outright to make myself clear...I think this can go either way.

But maybe oodles of Nazi scalping might be a hoot.
In the end, it has to be better than Jackie Brown.

Ramen4ever said:
Crank 2: High Voltage (2009)
"Just juice me..."
Are you fucking kidding? :schierke:
Well, all I'll say about Inglorious Bastards is that the Kill Bill trailer had me extremely skeptical as well, but I really enjoyed [the first movie].