Movies to dread

I thought I.B. was years down the road. Glad to see a trailer for it already. Not sure what to think, other Brad Pitt looks and sounds so fucking terrible. Did he just decide to stop acting one day?
Yeah, there's really nothing to make fun of in Jackie Brown -- except maybe Samuel L. Jackson's ridiculous hat. It's a solid flick that I think was held back from critical success because everyone expected Tarantino to make Pulp Fiction 2.

If anyone was miffed at it for whatever reason in the past, I'd advise you to go back and rewatch it with a new perspective.
Walter said:
Yeah, there's really nothing to make fun of in Jackie Brown -- except maybe Samuel L. Jackson's ridiculous hat. It's a solid flick that I think was held back from critical success because everyone expected Tarantino to make Pulp Fiction 2.

If anyone was miffed at it for whatever reason in the past, I'd advise you to go back and rewatch it with a new perspective.

Yea I love Jackie Brown. Great movie. I would watch as often as Pulp fiction or reservoir dogs or kill bill. Death Proof is probably his worst picture.
Oburi said:
Yea I love Jackie Brown. Great movie. I would watch as often as Pulp fiction or reservoir dogs or kill bill. Death Proof is probably his worst picture.

I would have to disagree with that, Kill Bill 1 & 2 take the cake for his worst films. I loved those movies when they came out, but hell a year after that. I stopped watching them, what a load of crap that turned out to be. :schierke:

...I can't believe I defended that shit.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I would have to disagree with that, Kill Bill 1 & 2 take the cake for his worst films. I loved those movies when they came out, but hell a year after that. I stopped watching them, what a load of crap that turned out to be. :schierke:

...I can't believe I defended that shit.

I always hated the second one, but I still enjoy the first one now and then. Not as much as I used to though.
Scorpio said:
I always hated the second one, but I still enjoy the first one now and then. Not as much as I used to though.

Personally I think the second one bears watching, but all that Japanese bullshit in the first one? I didn't enjoy it much. It's got some good parts, but I probably wouldn't even call it a good movie.

I'll throw this into movies to dread but I for one am reserving my judgment. I like Burton for his original movies, and even sleepy hollow and Sweeney Todd were very cool. But i usually hate his remakes like Planet of the Apes or Charlie and the chocolate factory. So this is really up in the air for me.
I don't think the idea for Burton to do Alice in Wonderland is particularly DREADFUL. For one, Lewis Carroll's world kind of lends itself to his style. And another, this is hardly a remake. There hasn't been a truly solid Alice and Wonderland feature film.

I also didn't think his Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake was particularly terrible. Kids LOVE IT  :isidro: . It certainly was irrelevant, as the original is still far superior. However, Burton added a lot to the original movie's characters -- enough that it was a kind of sequel, to me.

PS: I do kind of wish Depp had a larger role than just The Hatter. He's going to have like, 15 minutes on screen tops if the movie plays out like Carroll's book.
Walter said:
I don't think the idea for Burton to do Alice in Wonderland is particularly DREADFUL. For one, Lewis Carroll's world kind of lends itself to his style. And another, this is hardly a remake. There hasn't been a truly solid Alice and Wonderland feature film.

I also didn't think his Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake was particularly terrible. Kids LOVE IT :isidro: . It certainly was irrelevant, as the original is still far superior. However, Burton added a lot to the original movie's characters -- enough that it was a kind of sequel, to me.

PS: I do kind of wish Depp had a larger role than just The Hatter. He's going to have like, 15 minutes on screen tops if the movie plays out like Carroll's book.

Yea you're right, move it to the other thread
I saw a trailer for this about 4-5 months ago and predicted every turn in it to my wife as we lol'd at it in the theatre. :badbone:
Nicolas Cage has truly gone downhill in a lead weighted soapbox cart with broken brakes. I mean, when was the last time one of his movies even got good reviews? Or was just good in general. I enjoyed the first National Treasure but his acting wasn't amazing in it. Plus, he always acts the same for every movie. A quiet stone faced guy who has to be in control. It's lame. Just down right sad. i mean bancok (?)* that's not spelled right is it?* dangerous? What does that even mean? course, i never bothered to go see it to find out since it looked silly. The last time I went to go see one of his movies was The Wicker Man and i was rewarded with loosing a good ten dollars.

...*cough* personal Nicolas Cage rant is over.
Solarmaker said:
The last time I went to go see one of his movies was The Wicker Man and i was rewarded with loosing a good ten dollars.

"How'd it get burned? How'd it get BUUUUUUUUURNED?!!!!!"
That movie just puts you off dating women doesn't it? I'm a girl and it scared ME straight.

But back to the movie topic,

They're making a wolverine movie next, About how he became wolverine and when he was with the special ops. What do you guys think? i'm a big fan of X-men and i don't know, are they whipping a dead horse by now or a good plot? It's finally going to have gambit in it tho.


not saying it's a movie to dread but more like, a movie to be weary of?
Solarmaker said:
That movie just puts you off dating women doesn't it? I'm a girl and it scared ME straight.

But back to the movie topic,

They're making a wolverine movie next, About how he became wolverine and when he was with the special ops. What do you guys think? i'm a big fan of X-men and i don't know, are they whipping a dead horse by now or a good plot? It's finally going to have gambit in it tho.


not saying it's a movie to dread but more like, a movie to be weary of?

If it's not something you are dreading, then I think it should go into the Movies to look foward thread.
well i'm sort of dreading that they're going to kill it. Like Matrix sequals or jaws. Sometimes too much is a bad thing. XD does that count?
Solarmaker said:
well i'm sort of dreading that they're going to kill it. Like Matrix sequals or jaws. Sometimes too much is a bad thing. XD does that count?

Considering that they already killed it with X2 and X3, both of which sucked. I don't think it can get much worse. Wolverine has always been one of the cooler characters from the movie trilogy. A movie that focuses more on him than anyone else, could actually turn out pretty good. Personally I just want to see Deadpool. Though I can't say the actor playing him is my #1 choice. Another series that's following a similar path is Pirates of the Caribbean. Apparently the next movie will toss Bloom and what's her face in favor of the only two decent characters from the entire series. Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa.
Ramen4ever said:
Considering that they already killed it with X2 and X3, both of which sucked.

X-men 2 was the only one that was acceptable.

This Wolverine movie is just a mix of characters that have nothing to do with each other, just to make the geek fanboys salivate. Why the hell is Gambit a main character in a Wolverine movie? Doesn't make any sense to me. The trailer looks like Bay's Transformers but with mutants.
Ramen4ever said:
Considering that they already killed it with X2 and X3, both of which sucked.

X2 killed it compared to what? It's easily the best of the X-Men movies, and as Nightcrawler pointed out, the only acceptable one. It's actually a shame Singer didn't continue the series from there since he actually set it up nicely for the future, which was promptly cashed out in the last one. Fortunately, as it is, it featured enough key elements that it can stand alone as the best representation of X-Men on film, since it'll have to.

Also, as one of my favorites besides Wolvie, I'm not too excited about Deadpool since I'm assuming the worst, that he's going to be reduced to Ryan Reynolds in red spandex pants and that's it. The best we'll likely get out of it is a joking reference about it from Deadpool himself in the books.