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Griffith said:
DS3 update: beaten all but the final boss, SL 100 something (I don't even keep track), max Astora Straight Sword + Flame Arc ready, Hidden Body, Dragoncrest rings, 40 endurance and mucho stamina = invincible under the sun. Invade me, bro.

Also playing DooM with the in-laws on weekends. Fun for the whole family!

Aw yea. Flame arc is so badass. Hidden body + slumbering ring = stealth mode. And ofc, slaughtering demons with your family was never more fun :puck:
Feeblecursedone said:
Aw yea. Flame arc is so badass.

Very much so, staggers a lot of enemies throughout in addition to the AR boost, and a cheap stat-investment for a Knight (2 lousy points if I remember). Combine that with the raw Astora straight sword you can get in like the first area and you can divert everything else into life/stamina and be OP from the very beginning.

Feeblecursedone said:
Hidden body + slumbering ring = stealth mode.

More like God Mode, speaking of Doom. It's fun at first, but discovering that trick kind of ruined the game for me (between it and summons at boss doors you can practically abstain from combat =); I think I'll self-impose a ban on it for NG+(++).

BTW, late game spoilers:
Anybody curious about what The Nameless King's real name could have been before he was exiled and expunged from the record? Some possibilities include Gwynfor, Gwynion, and Gwynedd, all real Welsh names with the Gwyn prefix, like Gwyn's other children.

Feeblecursedone said:
And ofc, slaughtering demons with your family was never more fun :puck:

My little sister goes berserk playing it. It's fantastic. :ganishka:
Griffith said:
DS3 update: beaten all but the final boss, SL 100 something (I don't even keep track), max Astora Straight Sword + Flame Arc ready, Hidden Body, Dragoncrest rings, 40 endurance and mucho stamina = invincible under the sun. Invade me, bro.

How'd you feel about
Nameless King

Honestly the prospect of
running and dodging a flying enemy who can spout flame
made me stop playing and it's been rough finding time to get back into the game.

Other than that, I believe I have everything done on my first playthrough other than the last boss. I messed up most of the NPC quests so I'll have to do almost all of them in NG+ or a new character, but I honestly expect that on my first play of a Souls game.
Dar Klink said:
How'd you feel about
Nameless King

Honestly the prospect of
running and dodging a flying enemy who can spout flame
made me stop playing and it's been rough finding time to get back into the game.

Other than that, I believe I have everything done on my first playthrough other than the last boss. I messed up most of the NPC quests so I'll have to do almost all of them in NG+ or a new character, but I honestly expect that on my first play of a Souls game.

Same! Other than the final boss (and messing up 80% of the NPC quests) the only thing left is the
Nameless King
but I really wanted to do my first play through solo,but that fight is impossible. I put the game down after like 60 hours straight and can't seem to find the energy to pick it back up and finish the damn thing.
Dar Klink said:
How'd you feel about
Nameless King

I felt like bringing friends to even the odds! Even then you better pick guys who know what they're doing, wearing Dragonslayer Armor and shit, or he'll just as easily kill everyone.

Dar Klink said:
Honestly the prospect of
running and dodging a flying enemy who can spout flame
made me stop playing and it's been rough finding time to get back into the game.
Oburi said:
Same! Other than the final boss (and messing up 80% of the NPC quests) the only thing left is the
Nameless King
but I really wanted to do my first play through solo,but that fight is impossible. I put the game down after like 60 hours straight and can't seem to find the energy to pick it back up and finish the damn thing.

And that's why, once I satisfy my compulsion to finish the game ASAP (the goal of playing any game in my mind, especially if there's an interesting plot), I can relax and enjoy mastering its subtleties if I wish without getting frustrated or burning out on it (I hate getting bogged down, which just exacerbates the difficulty).

I honestly didn't find him too bad solo though; the dragon part is manageable if you don't lock on and avoid the vertical flame breath, and once he's grounded I could dodge his shit and hit him back regularly without especially more difficulty than other tough enemies. He's just overpowered so you don't get to make a mistake, at least more than once (I hear the Dragonslayer Shield REALLY helps though). Talking to you guys, I kind of regret not finishing him by myself now; I was drinking a bottle of Italian wine and decided he just needed to die! :ganishka:

As for what I think of him outside the fight, it's a very cool idea and is executed well. That whole area feels like an included DLC for fans, and he truly lives up to his reputation and the closes the loop on that last bit of DS1 lore; which really made the first game for me (no matter how much I enjoy the nuanced mechanics and balance of DS2, the plot is so generic by comparison, I'm happy they returned to the well in DS3).

Anyway, have you guys tried fighting him as summons to get in some practice against his moves without the same pressure to win, or not lose? Plus, actually seeing him go down a few times can't hurt. I think that's half the battle, and if you don't plan to NG+ (or suspect it won't really happen =) it's a good way to experience all the bosses in groups and solo. I wish I could have experienced more group play on DS1 but nobody was on the server when I was playing. I literally beat the game the day before the global restart day.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Update: VICTORY ACHIEVED. I wish the
Firelink Greatsword
had the Claymore (my DS1 favorite) move set instead of the Bastard Sword's though. :sad: Will still be fun to cosplay as the
Soul of Cinder
but I may go with a +5 Sunlight Straight Sword with Carthus Flame instead. The great swords are just too fucking slow for the almost negligible increase in AR, which the SSS weapon art totally negates (technically I could use any weapon once I cast the buff, but not conveniently). Lorian's ultra greatsword has potential though! Anyway, once my enthusiasm for the weapon upgrades subside I may take a break for a while.
I beat
Nameless King
after like 30 + tries, only to beat him from first on New game +, kek. I was pretty shocked when I realised
he was gwyn's firstborn, that item description was so epic

The great swords are just too fucking slow for the almost negligible increase in AR, which the SSS weapon art totally negates (technically I could use any weapon once I cast the buff, but not conveniently). Lorian's ultra greatsword has potential though! Anyway, once my enthusiasm for the weapon upgrades subside I may take a break for a while.

Yeah, I blame Guts for their popularity :iva: However whenever i go with giant weapons I prefer axes, probably cause everyone's love for swords tires me out. WHY THERE'S NO GREATAXE WIELDER IN BERSERK :azan: Seriously. I want some kind of barbarian king with a bear pelt-hood duke it out with Guts ( not Wyald or Zodd tho :d ). Ahem, back to topic.

I was actually using Exile Greatsword and then switched to Cathedral Greatsword for my first playthrough. Honestly I prefered Exile more since it was a curved greatsword ( See those warriors from hammerfell? They've got curved.... P- Swords ) but switched to Cathedral solely for higher AR.

I haven't touched the game in 2 months though. I feel like the DLC's are going to need to be very enticing in order for me to return to the game. I somehow in mood for new From Software's Ip, ya know what I mean?

Since they're working on 2 new brand Ip's and third one is Armored Core, I hope they do a reveal for one of them on gamescom. :ganishka:

As for what I'm playing, im trying out Neverwinter MMO. Will see how long it'll last since I dont play MMO's that often. Glorious Autumn and Winter, where dost thou be.
Feeblecursedone said:
I beat
Nameless King
after like 30 + tries, only to beat him from first on New game +, kek. I was pretty shocked when I realised
he was gwyn's firstborn,

Yeah, I've heard the NG+ is actually a lot easier than the regular game this time around. You're just too powerful by the end that incrementally increased enemy HP and AR isn't going to make a big difference. I hope when they release the DLC they maybe overhaul the NG+ a bit, SotFS style (without making it a whole new release though!).

Feeblecursedone said:
that item description was so epic


Feeblecursedone said:
I was actually using Exile Greatsword and then switched to Cathedral Greatsword for my first playthrough. Honestly I prefered Exile more since it was a curved greatsword ( See those warriors from hammerfell? They've got curved.... P- Swords ) but switched to Cathedral solely for higher AR.

I heard that Cathedral Greatsword is pretty great indeed for the drake in the aforementioned fight because of it's reach and damage.

Feeblecursedone said:
I haven't touched the game in 2 months though. I feel like the DLC's are going to need to be very enticing in order for me to return to the game. I somehow in mood for new From Software's Ip, ya know what I mean?

I do actually, and I guess this will be my mini-review: this was very much like a streamlined "greatest hits", Return of Jedi-esque, return to form experience that kind of encapsulates the Souls series (and Bloodborne) but without adding much of its own to it, and by therefore kinda watering the whole thing down. While everything is well and thoughtfully done, none of the locations, bosses, or lore really blew my mind besides, "Hey, that's like in DS1!" Except in DS1 it felt original and unique and the lore in the item descriptions wasn't just perfunctory. It was just such a weird, varied, unforgiving world to explore, discover, get lost and killed in that even surviving and getting around was an achievement, whereas this is all more of the same and pretty straightforward, even more so than DS2 (which at least had it's own unique lore).

I think a lot of it comes down to being able fast travel from the outset, like you literally fast travel just to arrive at the first area; you don't really walk around and explore, but just go to different zones, like levels. Completely different experience from DS1, and I think it hurts even more on the design than user end because they don't really unify and connect the world because of it (they didn't have to). I still really enjoy playing the game though, it's the most refined and looks gorgeous and checks off all the boxes for capping off the series, but yeah, if this is it I'd really like to see them do something different.
I think a lot of it comes down to being able fast travel from the outset, like you literally fast travel just to arrive at the first area; you don't really walk around and explore, but just go to different zones, like levels. Completely different experience from DS1, and I think it hurts even more on the design than user end because they don't really unify and connect the world because of it (they didn't have to). I still really enjoy playing the game though, it's the most refined and looks gorgeous and checks off all the boxes for capping off the series, but yeah, if this is it I'd really like to see them do something different.

I thought about that too and I agree. While I do appreciate the more straightforward "level" type of design in most modern games now, mostly because of how overdone the open world sandbox design is these days, I still feel that for Dark Souls, they perfected it the first time around. When I first played DS, it was tough to pinpoint what could or should stay and what could or should be changed or lost for future installments because there were so many wonderful things about it. Now, I think it's clear that out of all the other great things, the level design and the way the world connected and forced you to travel and explore was probably at the top of the list as to why that game is still the best. That aspect is just as important to Dark Souls as the combat, or the lore, or the great boss fights. It's in the very DNA of why that game blew everyone away originally and sadly that's the one thing the other games really weren't able to capture.
I've been playing the DLC for Dark Souls, Artorias of the Abyss, which has been pretty damn cool so far. Just beat Artorias who was a bit of an asshat but in an awesome challenging way. Wasn't too bad once I figured out you can interrupt his stupid buff with a dagger to the face.

After this, I'm at the end of the regular game and I'll have this finished finally. Hurrah.
Oburi said:
I thought about that too and I agree. While I do appreciate the more straightforward "level" type of design in most modern games now, mostly because of how overdone the open world sandbox design is these days

That's true as well, the novelty on completely open world sandbox games wore off about 10 years ago for me. Partly because when it's just done for the sake of it, it isn't always done well, and when it's not it can be an unfocused, rudderless, and ultimately boring experience. Too much time wasted being able to do "anything" but really doing nothing.

Oburi said:
I still feel that for Dark Souls, they perfected it the first time around. When I first played DS, it was tough to pinpoint what could or should stay and what could or should be changed or lost for future installments because there were so many wonderful things about it.

Yeah, even the stuff that's kind of rough around the edges in DS1 adds some charm the sequels lack when they sanded them down completely. Even though DS2 and 3 are more streamlined, I still kind of prefer the quirks of the DS1 interface and stats (including upgrades, armor, weapons, etc). If it was awkward at times, it was supposed to be; such as the broken weapon swings when you don't meet the minimums, for an obvious intentional example.

Oburi said:
Now, I think it's clear that out of all the other great things, the level design and the way the world connected and forced you to travel and explore was probably at the top of the list as to why that game is still the best. That aspect is just as important to Dark Souls as the combat, or the lore, or the great boss fights. It's in the very DNA of why that game blew everyone away originally and sadly that's the one thing the other games really weren't able to capture.

Agreed, they pretty much nailed it the first (er, second =) time and seemingly accomplished everything they set out to do, because, really, what do DS2 and 3 add? If anything it feels like they lost something. I don't think there's anything as weird in those games as the random areas and monsters you could find lurking seemingly around every corner in DS1 (everything had a unique population and traits; remember the random giant rolling cat-bears and army of T-Rex butts for no reason? =). Plus, it actually had some genuinely warm and beautiful, yet no less dangerous, areas such as Darkroot Garden/Basin, Anor Londo, The Duke's Archives & The Crystal Caves. Those places weren't trying to be gnarly or scary, and if not for everything trying to kill you would be quite lovely! I can't think of much like that in 2 (Heide's Tower of Flame does come to mind) and especially 3, where everything is kind of drab, grey, and overtly menacing
(even Anor Londo)
. DS1 did that best too though with New Londo Ruins, The Catacombs, Blighttown and the Tomb of Giants. *shudders* Also, it somehow managed to be more unforgiving without seemingly trying as hard to nail you with traps and contrivances at every turn (a DS2 specialty). It was a pain in the ass just because it was, but it all felt like realized places rather than just a set of challenges.

Tabris said:
I've been playing the DLC for Dark Souls, Artorias of the Abyss, which has been pretty damn cool so far. Just beat Artorias who was a bit of an asshat but in an awesome challenging way. Wasn't too bad once I figured out you can interrupt his stupid buff with a dagger to the face.

After this, I'm at the end of the regular game and I'll have this finished finally. Hurrah.

I still need to play that and check out the Painted World Of Ariamis. Wish I hadn't been so gung ho to finish the game when I got to Gwyn. Maybe I'll just wait a bit longer and start a new character for a proper replay.
Ive been working my way through the berserk ps2 game. After playing around with the emulator alot i finally figured out how to make it work well.
I'm currently in the town where Schierke puts up the barrier and Guts has to fight the kelpie and the ogre. Its really quite difficult trying to manage your health for 3 boss fights in a row. Also im really waiting for the Specters of the rail warframe update.Xbox one. Warframe is a good game. kinda.
After beating Artorias of the Abyss, I got to the last boss. Almost beat him but just for some reason haven't had the care or bother to finish him off yet.

Ended up playing the reboot of Tomb Raider and I think it's pretty amazing. A lot of fun honestly.
Been playing No Man's Sky and having a really fun time. Unfortunately, I see how this might become monotonous fast. I wish there was a bit more RPG to it. The game seems like it would be an amazing compliment to another facet of a game (thinking Mass Effect's story, with No Man Sky's exploration), but that might be way too much going on.

At any rate I bought a new (giant) ship and am content with my $60 purchase for now (despite all the harsh criticisms the internet has been dishing out).
Recently finished Star Fox Zero, I'm disappointment by the lack of new levels, and the god awful controls. Nintendo gimmicks and Platinum's awful 3rd person camera controls are a dangerous mix. I like the fan-service, like fusing aspects of the Andross fight from the first Star Fox game with Star Fox 64, and the 3 act structure of the levels are interesting. But overall I felt let down by it.
Delta Phi said:
Been playing No Man's Sky and having a really fun time. Unfortunately, I see how this might become monotonous fast. I wish there was a bit more RPG to it. The game seems like it would be an amazing compliment to another facet of a game (thinking Mass Effect's story, with No Man Sky's exploration), but that might be way too much going on.

At any rate I bought a new (giant) ship and am content with my $60 purchase for now (despite all the harsh criticisms the internet has been dishing out).

Are you playing on PS4 or PC? I haven't started it yet because I didn't want all the bugs to tarnish the experience...
Tabris said:
After beating Artorias of the Abyss, I got to the last boss. Almost beat him but just for some reason haven't had the care or bother to finish him off yet.

I'm almost caught up to where you are. I jumped back into my NG+ character just to try my hand at the DLC, and after realizing my Claymore wasn't cutting it anymore (I was chipping 100 something damage on Artorias each time; my dex is probably too low) I fully upgraded the Black Knight Halberd and Great Axe and they did the trick (ridiculous speed and AR, and with the bonus of not needing to find embers, elemental titanite, slabs, etc). Artorias went down soon after that. I'll probably upgrade the rest of the Black Knight gear just for versatility and because it's so relatively overpowered for such a small and easy investment (100K souls for the twinkling titanite to fully upgrade and no extra upgrade items required; beats the hell out of +15ing regular shit). I may do the same with the Grant and see how it turns out because I have 40 STR and 31 FTH.

Tabris said:
Ended up playing the reboot of Tomb Raider and I think it's pretty amazing. A lot of fun honestly.

I can't blame you because I completely agree and love that game. Haven't gotten into the sequel the same way though.

Aazealh said:
Are you playing on PS4 or PC? I haven't started it yet because I didn't want all the bugs to tarnish the experience...

Yeah, I hear a lot of good, and bad on PC, things on No Man's Sky. I see my dad playing it all the time on Steam for what it's worth. :ganishka:
Griff, its been a lot of fun reading your recaps of your NG+ run. I'm sure others have already said as much, but I love DS1 and its DLC so so much.
Aazealh said:
Are you playing on PS4 or PC? I haven't started it yet because I didn't want all the bugs to tarnish the experience...

I'm on PS4. Still some glitches and issues, but nothing like what is happening to PC (from what I gather).
Griffith said:
I'm almost caught up to where you are. I jumped back into my NG+ character just to try my hand at the DLC, and after realizing my Claymore wasn't cutting it anymore (I was chipping 100 something damage on Artorias each time; my dex is probably too low) I fully upgraded the Black Knight Halberd and Great Axe and they did the trick (ridiculous speed and AR, and with the bonus of not needing to find embers, elemental titanite, slabs, etc). Artorias went down soon after that. I'll probably upgrade the rest of the Black Knight gear just for versatility and because it's so relatively overpowered for such a small and easy investment (100K souls for the twinkling titanite to fully upgrade and no extra upgrade items required; beats the hell out of +15ing regular shit). I may do the same with the Grant and see how it turns out because I have 40 STR and 31 FTH.

I can't blame you because I completely agree and love that game. Haven't gotten into the sequel the same way though.

Yeah, I hear a lot of good, and bad on PC, things on No Man's Sky. I see my dad playing it all the time on Steam for what it's worth. :ganishka:
Delta Phi said:
I'm on PS4. Still some glitches and issues, but nothing like what is happening to PC (from what I gather).

I am currently replaying through all the souls games from Demon souls to DS3. Im on Ds2. I want to get no man’s sky but my attention span and inability to cope with an infinite amount of decisions to be made has me not wanting to spend 60 bucks on a game I won’t play. It’s the same reason I can’t get into games like GTA or Elder scrolls, by the time I get to what I set out to do iv done a hounded other things and still have gotten nowhere. NMS looks really cool though. I’m waiting for Destiny "rise of iron" to come out. So for now just playing "souls" is holding me over. I also just finished FURI, which is a sick little Indi dueling/hack and slash PS4 game.

After thought...I’m finding DS2 very enjoyable this time around. If you look at it like just a random ass action RPG and not a souls game its really good, as a dark souls game it’s a hot steamer but as a random RPG it’s fun! Let’s call it “Path of the chosen" made by "From someone el
Jaze1618 said:
Griff, its been a lot of fun reading your recaps of your NG+ run. I'm sure others have already said as much, but I love DS1 and its DLC so so much.

Well, thank ya! I honestly thought I was droning on just for my own sake because the game is so old everyone already played it to death, so thank you for saying so. On that note, I finally beat Manus! Took a few tries but considerably less than Artorias, though I'm sure that fight also got me sharper for this one. Until Artorias I was finding DS1 NG+ fights pretty easy compared to DS3 because of the speed. All those DS1 enemies that used to scare the hell out of me are SO SLOW! Sometimes I was dancing around guys cautiously waiting for an "opening" and realizing they were open the whole time and I could see every attack and counter coming a mile away. Still, when they DO catch you... :ganishka:

GiantSword Mufasa said:
I am currently replaying through all the souls games from Demon souls to DS3. Im on Ds2.
GiantSword Mufasa said:
After thought...I’m finding DS2 very enjoyable this time around. If you look at it like just a random ass action RPG and not a souls game its really good, as a dark souls game it’s a hot steamer but as a random RPG it’s fun! Let’s call it “Path of the chosen" made by "From someone el

I have an interesting relationship with DS2. It was my first entry in the series, which was a bad thing because it's pretty disorienting if you aren't familiar with it, and despite the quick leveling your character basically starts out broken compared to DS1. In any case, it never grabbed me like DS1 and 3 did, but I've put the most hours into it of any entry in the series, well over 150. Like you said though, it really does feel kind of like a more generic rip off of DS1 than the sequel to it. Everything in it feels like the imitation brand, "King Gwyndrick" and those guys holding the lord souls that are kinda like the old lords but not really... and that ending. Still, WTF!? It's like they completely tacked on the DS1 related stuff because it really had zero to do with the continuity of the first game despite talking about the first flame. It even conflicted with it, completely different world, different race of giants with no explanation playing the parts of the ancient dragons, and the ending has nothing to do with anything. Oh well, onto the DS2 DLC then! :guts:
[quote Oh well, onto the DS2 DLC then! :guts:

The DLC is one of the strongest redeeming parts of DS2. They did an excellent job with the DLC and I think they should have started with those as a basis for the game as a whole. My only complaint is the DLC seems to jump the difficulty enormously. Like the its a walk in the park and then the floor drops out and you are in hell. I have a 141 character with 40 vig and can get killed by like two hits from some of the enemies.

P.s. what system are you playing on? if you are on ps4 we should do the DLC together!
GiantSword Mufasa said:
The DLC is one of the strongest redeeming parts of DS2. They did an excellent job with the DLC and I think they should have started with those as a basis for the game as a whole.

That's what I hear. I get what they were going for with some of it, like the more nuanced, but ultimately annoying, character creation/building. Mostly it seemed to embrace the whole "you're gonna die!" aspect more than the actual lore of DS1. That was the legacy it was touting and the game is really about how hard Dark Souls is supposed to be and check out all these bosses, etc (it does have a lot of bosses =). Anyway, it has it's good points, what it lacks in gravitas it makes up for in quantity and balance (lots of useful weapons), the online stuff is fun and still quite active, and in the end it'll go down as the "unique" one considering how relatively similar DS1 and 3 are with lore, locations, characters, weapons, mechanics and everything. Still, my quintessential memory of the game is rolling away from attacks and getting hit anyway. That's Dark Souls 2 in a nutshell to me.

GiantSword Mufasa said:
My only complaint is the DLC seems to jump the difficulty enormously. Like the its a walk in the park and then the floor drops out and you are in hell.

I also keep hearing that, like it's the hardest of the hard trying to makeup for all the bitching about the main game. That's a little intimidating, and I did wander into the Ivory King DLC until I ran into a displaced voice and some invisible monster attacked me for half my life. Nope! Nope! Nope! *homeward bone*

GiantSword Mufasa said:
I have a 141 character with 40 vig and can get killed by like two hits from some of the enemies.

Well, if I recall my character is pretty damn high, like between 160-180 (I cash in those souls every chance) and I have 50 vig, so hopefully I'm over-prepared (it never feels like enough because the life bar is just smaller in this game =). Anyway, they may still be able to kill me in a few hits but so can my +10 Lightning Great Club; Smashy! Smashy! As I saw someone put it, "Press R2, roll credits." Maybe I'll be suited for it because I'm usually an overcautious tank anyway. Took me forever to realize against certain enemies, bosses especially, you're just going to take damage so you might as well trade it.

GiantSword Mufasa said:
P.s. what system are you playing on? if you are on ps4 we should do the DLC together!

Sorry, I would, but I'm a PC.

Griffith said:
I'm almost caught up to where you are.

Out of curiosity, did you end up fighting Kalameet in the Artorias of the Abyss expansion? Out of all I played in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 so far, he is literally the only boss to piss me off enough to quit before successfully beating him. I hated that bastard so much but it was immensely satisfying beating him.

I still have to beat the last boss of Dark Souls. For some reason I got to him and just stopped caring about the game.