Gamehowitzer said:While we're talking about why the recent adaptation was total ass, i came across a youtube video that makes some good points about why it didnt work, and what would have worked better: He makes the argument that the manga is a picturesque work, and they tried to adapt it as a dynamic work. Picturesque meaning its about the visual detail and not the motion in it. He argues that the 1997 anime and its style, colors, etc. were much more fitting. He also argued that the world of berserk is very gritty, grimy, and dirty, and cgi and 3d computer models are always very glossy and cant portray that grit.
The arguments are alright, but the guy seems to pussy out at the end, almost as though he's trying to seem objective in the eyes of the anime lovers. He spends the entire video criticizing the movies and 2016 series, only to turn around and start mocking people who dislike the animes for not doing the manga justice. Pot calling kettle black, dude. People have every reason to find all the series unsatisfactory, including the one from '97, and there is no reason to be thankful that Berserk has been animated so many times when nobody can get it right.