
The film was designed to not give answers to all the questions being asked. The ones that were unanswered you had to figure out on your own I sometimes think that that was the point. Prometheus would bring you up to the point of giving an answer then stop your job is to figure out if what was shown , said or alluded directly/indirectly to lead to the answer that was not revealed. And that's fine if the Director and writer want to play like that with the audience it just leaves more mental work though that is also not a problem.
NightCrawler said:

Ah, I see Proj posted it a... while back. Yeah, I've been keeping away, looking forward to reading everyone's thoughts now.

NightCrawler said:
I feel the same as you about the movie, so nothing to argue here.

I'm still kind of fluctuating on it myself anyway. Speaking of which, along with all the earlier Alien talk, I think it's funny that my mocking prediction for the ending on the podcast was SPOT ON. Like, too close for comfort (and it's such an obvious idea I can't even really take credit). There wasn't even more to it than that, just forced it in there for the sake of having to do it, and it had no significance to anything else in the movie. If you weren't painfully aware of the film's connection to Alien it basically ended on a big "huh, what?," and I don't even think it particularly connects it in a significant way if you do know, "hey, it kinda looks like a xenomorph, so... uh, what?" Still, I didn't mind. I actually kind of liked the impish twist on its design.

There was also a distinct Alien: Resurrection connection in there. :carcus:

hellrasinbrasin said:
The film was designed to not give answers to all the questions being asked. The ones that were unanswered you had to figure out on your own I sometimes think that that was the point. Prometheus would bring you up to the point of giving an answer then stop your job is to figure out if what was shown , said or alluded directly/indirectly to lead to the answer that was not revealed. And that's fine if the Director and writer want to play like that with the audience it just leaves more mental work though that is also not a problem.

I don't think it was designed with much purpose at all in that arena. To be honest those deep questions were just window dressing, some of it was downright forced, other things so simplistic I wanted to believe there was more to it, but overall a lot of it didn't make much sense. I guess that's just more brilliant mental exercise for the audience designed by our genius filmmakers! Or not. Really, it wasn't deep at all, and in its defense, I don't think it was interested in being so, but just having that atmosphere (or Lindelof just doesn't know the difference). The point was amazing visuals, scenes, and cool icky creatures. It was about the ride.
Proj2501 said:
Ugh. Lost respect for this guy @ 14:21 and 14:41. :mozgus:

I generally don't respect such efforts in the first place, but he lost me anyway at the 0:07 second mark. =)

I skipped to the parts you pointed out, and yeah, he's just talking nonsense out of his ass (again, that's still sort of the movie's fault though). Does he even try to explain everyone behaving like they're retarded, or does he just ignore the questions that can't be answered by watching the movie over and over again? Do the scenes actually change if you see it again? That'd be a pretty brilliant.
Why would anyone waste their time watching this bullshit? It's obvious right away that the guy's a complete idiot.
Aazealh said:
Why would anyone waste their time watching this bullshit? It's obvious right away that the guy's a complete idiot.


I too thought it odd that it took fourteen minutes for you to lose respect for the guy, Proj, or that you had any for him any in the first place. :guts:
Griffith said:
Do the scenes actually change if you see it again? That'd be a pretty brilliant.

I watched it a second time last weekend. The experience wasn't really any different. However towards the end I felt like the movie would have performed better and been more well received had it stopped being a circlejerk and just led directly into the first Alien.
Griffith said:
I too thought it odd that it took fourteen minutes for you to lose respect for the guy, Proj, or that you had any for him any in the first place. :guts:

-__- Tough crowd. I should've worded my post like this:

Proj2501 said:
Ugh. COMPLETELY lost respect for this guy @ 14:21 and 14:41. :mozgus:

Anyone curious what Jamie Rossi has to say?
This shit needs to stop.
I'm going to re-watch it tonight with a couple and their 14 year old daughter. That'll be interesting. Don't think we're doing IMAX but I'll post my thoughts on the 2nd viewing, I don't think I missed anything the first time around. So, we'll see!
IncantatioN said:
I'm going to re-watch it tonight with a couple and their 14 year old daughter. That'll be interesting.
No kidding, man. I hope she likes
The dad covered her eyes during that scene and in the end with Cuddles (Shaw's baby giant) attacking the Engineer. The mother though was a bit horrified by the C-section section because it's been 7 months since she had one for her 2nd child. I had fun though. The only thing I noticed this time around with the use of a tune from the Alien soundtrack in the scene during old Weyland's hologram at the beginning. Next time I see the movie, it'll be on BR.

:: Special Features ::

- Blu-ray film in 3D active (player + TV + active 3D glasses required)
- Blu-ray film in 2D
- Blu-ray bonus
- DVD and digital copy
Limited Edition Steelbook in
Disc 1 (Blu-ray 2D) (150 'bonus):
Deleted scenes or alternative (15 ')
Audio commentary by director (120 ')
The private records of Peter Weyland, four viral videos (18 '):
- The offer to Elizabeth Shaw
- Happy Birthday David
- Prometheus Transmission (extended version)
- The conference Weyland in 2023 (long version)
Outside the disk: Second Screen App: App iPad Control Blu-ray remote which gives access to archives of Peter Weyland (60 '):
- First and final draft of the script (text)
- Sketches of Ridley Scott (photo gallery)
- The Art of Prometheus (photo gallery)
- Pre-visualization (30 ')
- Tests of Noomi Rapace (15 ')
- The costume design (photo gallery)
- Tests "look" of the cast (10 ')
- Graphic Video Dashboard
- Photographs of the team
- Video of the private pilot
Production and post-release:
- Marketing Gallery
Disc 2 (Blu-ray 3D):
The 3D film active
Disc 3 (DVD bonus):
The angry gods: how to make the Prometheus of Ridley Scott, 9 videos (120 '):
- The conquest of Paradise (scenario)
- In reverse engineering (construction & design)
- The manifest human (characters & costumes)
- A nest of demons (creature design)
- A world without green spaces (Pinewood)
- Gains of chance (stunts & action)
- The beginning and end (Iceland)
- The sky on fire (visual effects)
- Prometheus without limits (post-production and theatrical release)
Units of improvement (30 '):
- Mini-featurettes
The archives of Peter Weyland (60 ')
Disc 4 (DVD):
Deleted scenes or alternative (15 ')

Removed the spoiler tags, unnecessary at this point. Anyway, all that matters is if there's an extended cut, and judging from that and the U.S. counterpart, unless the "150 'bonus" is it and not just random bonus material, the answer is a disappointing no.

Also, I really enjoyed this "thinking person's" review from amazon user Shrack:

A thinking person's movie June 14, 2012
By Shrack
(SPOILERS Ahead) "Prometheus" is quite an entertaining movie with stunning visuals but has a plot that will leave you stumped if you are not paying attention or do not think things through. The acting is quite entertaining. The movie, while not specifically a prequel of the "Alien" movie, definitely has elements that clearly tie it in to that movie. If you go into "Prometheus" expecting to have everything laid out for you, you will be sorely disappointed; this is not "Transformers" - expect to have to take the information given and cogitate. For example, one character, after arriving at the planet and exploring the "mound", becomes quite drunk and morose. Well, you have to realize that his dream of actually meeting one of the aliens had been dashed - what was to be his greatest achievement of his life had just been utterly destroyed. How would you respond if your dreams were dashed to pieces? Another example is David's poisoning of the aforementioned drunk. You have to listen to the conversation that occurred between them: "What would you do to realize your dream?" "Anything and everything" "Exactly" (or sentiments to that effect). Couple that with David's objectives and it becomes quite clear why he did what he did.

If you are looking for mindless entertainment, turn to "Transformers" and other movies of that ilk. This is not one of those movies. Both "Transformers" and "Prometheus" are good movies, but for very, very different reasons. If you are looking for a movie that will make you think, and has stunning visuals to boot, this quite easily could be a movie up your alley.

Or your ass. :ganishka:
... lol. In any event I've enjoyed discussing every aspect of the film as much as I've enjoyed attacking it from time to time and I look forward to the Blu-Ray release as well as a RETURN to discussing LV-223 in October.
hellrasinbrasin said:
... lol. In any event I've enjoyed discussing every aspect of the film as much as I've enjoyed attacking it from time to time and I look forward to the Blu-Ray release as well as a RETURN to discussing LV-223 in October.

Well, that makes one of you.
The PROMETHEUS Sequel Is Moving Forward!! Fassbender, Rapace!! No Lindelof??

Per THR, Fox and Ridley Scott are moving forward with a sequel to PROMETHEUS - a possibility brazenly advanced by the conclusion of this Summer's ALIENverse psuedo-prequel-thingie.

In the eternity ramping up to the release of PROMETHEUS, The Powers That Be had strongly and repeatedly indicated that a sequel film was hopeful-to-likely, although this is our first pointed and relatively official indication that a second picture exploring pre-ALIEN existential mythology might actually be happening. Fox confirms to THR that Scott and the studio actively are pushing ahead with a follow-up (stars Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace are signed) and are talking to new writers because Prometheus co-scribe Damon Lindelof might not be available...says THR.

THR says PROME2EUS is headed towards a 2014/2015 release. More as we know more...

Looks like the list of deleted scenes has been released. From what I can tell, they'll make the movie a lot better (there's about 35 minutes or so).

* T’IS THE SEASON [0:58]
* SKIN [0:42]
* PARADISE [5:05]

Should be (more) interesting.
Johnstantine said:
From what I can tell, they'll make the movie a lot better (there's about 35 minutes or so).

Should be (more) interesting.
Longer doesn't mean better. It could make the movie more bloated.